‘Cross rolling hills and rugged moor,
One comes upon a Sacred Tor…
An ancient church with tower high
That reaches up to ‘touch the sky,’
To welcome all who’re passing by
As if to say…
Come rest awhile in this ‘Fair Land’
That’s blest by ‘The Creator’s Hand’
Just rest and let ‘His Will be Done’
On this mystic ‘Isle of Avalon,’
Where noble deeds of ‘By-gone-Age’
Are writ upon ‘Life’s dusty Page,’
Of Lancelot and Guinevere
The past seems… O so very near
The ‘Sword of Truth’… Escalabar
Would leave it’s mark both near and far,
Across ‘The Land’ where Arthur reigned
By ‘God’s Decree’… ‘twould be Ordained,
A ‘Golden Age’ would soon appear
To banish darkness, hate and fear.
It seems like only yesterday
When others came to show ‘The Way,’
To once again ignite ‘The Flame’
That frees mankind from fear and shame
The Holy Grail ‘tis said is ‘Here!’
A ‘Sacred Gift’ of yester-year…
Hidden nearby, on a ‘Hill’
It’s ‘Mission’ yet must it fulfil.
With ‘Healing Stream’ of Chalice Well
They’ve many secret Tales to Tell…
And did ‘Those Feet… in by-gone-day
Perchance to walk this Hallowed Way?
With Joseph too… touch this Earth
And bring another ‘Faith’ to birth…
Upon this green and Mystic Isle
They left ‘The Message’ for awhile,
Until another day would dawn
And Truth again would be reborn,
Within this Sacred Place apart
The Centre of our Island’s Heart,
Does not ‘Ones Soul’ with pleasure fill
And dance o’r vale and moor and hill…
And soar above in wingless flight
To be absorbed into ‘The Light?’
Where Grace pours forth in ceaseless flow
Upon this verdant land below…
And once again for All to hear
In voice both sweet and soft and clear,
‘The Message’ rings from realms above
Man’s only hope is LOVE… LOVE… LOVE!
Submitted by Celia Elliott … Poem by my late Husband John Elliott
Avatar of Avalon | Poem by Celia Elliott
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/14/2023 09:54:00 PM