(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
A Teardrop from Heaven
Do You Believe in Magic?
Then experience your power.
Here is something that has come to me so I share with you for it is of priceless value.
Take some clear water from a spring if you can get it.
And the next time you get the overwhelming feeling of love hold it to your heart and let this love infuse the water. Now take a drop and put it in a little dropper bottle of some fresh water.
Give it a name and share it with anyone you feel guided to give it to.
The transforming elixir of pure love.
And if, like me, when you feel such Love there is always a tear or two in the corner of your eyes take that tear, collect it, and let it be the drop into your elixir…. “Essence of Love”
Watch the miracles happen, No need to tell the other what it is just say “Here is a gift from me with all my love, it will help you in an unexpected but most benevolent way with whatever you are going through at this time”.
I So Love You.
PS How would a drop of your loving go in a nearby stream, creek, pond or lake.
Water is a carrier of the information (energy waves) it comes in contact with.
We all know of the beautiful water crystals generated by love.
You are in a quantum field, everything is “entangled”.
Imagine a pebble (drop)in a still pond. The wave goes in every direction.
We live in a Divine flow. How awesome is that.
Do you believe in the power of Love in the simplicity and beauty of a single drop of Love.
A Silent Gift of Love from you.
Do you not Know that Gaia and Her waters would Love to receive a DROP OF YOUR LOVE
A Teardrop from Heaven | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/01/2023 08:10:00 PM