Submitted to Voyages of Light by Reader Sheri B
The faithfulversion.com, The Original Order Bible is exactly what the name implies. Here is the website.
It's the Original Order Bible and called that.
A good combination is the paperback study bible with the 10 cd for $53.
It was canonized by Apostle John about 98 AD who was of the Aaronic bloodline and uniquely qualified to be in charge of it. "One can have full faith and confidence that the original Greek text---as preserved in the Byzantine text---is the very Word of Gd." Mt 24:14, Mark 13:10.
If you want an in depth explanation fully documented about the incorrect order of the books of the bible, there's an in-depth chapter on that in it on page 1 of Chapter 1 Commentary 1. No smoke here. Pure truth that you can fully prove.
Allow me to give you some parts of Chapter Three of the Commentary on The Canonization of the Old Testament," to enlighten you to the depth and spiritual understanding of its authors. There are very in depth explanations pertaining to the veracity of this work. Again, just under 300 extra pages included free explaining everything. I'm sure you'd find it interesting and helpful.
"Apostle Paul's instructions to Timothy shows the value the early church placed on the authentic canonization in II Tim 3:14-17. "...continue in the things you learned and were assured and did learn..."
It's so interesting that after the destruction of the Temple by King Nebuchadnezzar, the High Priest Hilkiah (II Kings 22:4) undoubtedly authorized additions to the cannon during this time (625 - 584 BC).
Canonization effort that began in the time of King Josiah continued "in Babylon after the Jews had been taken captive. Jeremiah had first gone to Egypt, but he [may have] returned to be with the Jews in Babylon... Jeremiah was then able to hand over to Daniel , the Jewish prince in Babylon, any remaining prophecies which he had written (or other documents which he may have rescued from the Temple). (Restoring the Original Bible, Chptr 12).
Thus, Daniel was familiar with the Writings of "Jeremiah the prophet," other prophetic "books" and "the law of Moses" (Dan 9:2, 11).
Interestingly, it was those of the priestly line in Babylon who were careful to preserve the Sacred Texts while in exile that made it thereby available for Ezra the priest as he set out to restore the proper worship of God in post-exilic Jerusalem."
Gd's word promises: "The gates of death will not prevail over the church of Gd."
It survived because of a promise it would by Gd.
This is more than just a bible. It gives you full evidence of the history and proof of the bibles veracity.
If you read the last few verses of the final chapter of Revelation 22, you will find curses for anyone thinking to add to or take away from Gds words.
Jerome in 4th C AD a Latin writing for the Pope knew those curses were there for such evil against the Truth of Gd. So what he did instead was separate books meant to be together, and shuffle the books out of their Gd inspired Order as canonized by the Apostle he loved, John. John was the only Apostle not to suffer a martyrs death. Jesus asked him to watch over his mother after His death. He was ordained by Gd to canonize Gds words.
Do you think Jerome will go unpunished for going against a Command of Gd to not alter His word? I don't for a minute. Gd knows. The KJV uses his scrambled order of Gds word. You won't be punished for not knowing that. But now you do know. You too can prove what is true. If you need help, use the original order bible and make a sincere effort to disprove it.
The original order bible was first published in 2007. God has made this so misunderstood book to for the first time is now complete and it was always intended for our final generation. Earlier generations did not have available to them all the proof. That's because they were never the end time generation as we are clearly seen by those who do follow prophecies as written in Gds words.
Request the second edition 2009/10. The truth is known and available and very important for our current generation facing such turbulent testing by satan. You can know the truth just as Gd promised. It is contained in these pages.
There are almost 300 additional pages on Appendices and Commentaries that go into many subjects that will clarify a lot.
Nothings lost. You have it all.
This work of these men have been a pure effort of love, a promise, and a matter of a lot of serious detective work, all led by Gd, who still exists and is still leading true people of Gd, and His church (people) and we all are. Some may not yet recognize who they are. He loves us and expects our faithful stewardship and obedience to His laws and His principles.
The Original Order Bible | Sheri B
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/04/2023 09:54:00 PM