By Steve Beckow, March 4, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Kathleen’s classes on universal law are inspiring me to study the subject.
And in the course of working with her to revise and expand the original book on universal law, I came across this nugget from Sanat Kumara, on using the universal law to bring in gender equality.
Kathleen has also looked at this passage. (1)
Let’s hold in our hearts and minds the intention to have gender equality in all respects on the planet, to create a powerful streamer in the collective consciousness and inside ourselves.
(“Sanat Kumara: Putting the Universal Laws in Context Part 1,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, November 20, 2017, https://counciloflove.com/2017/11/sanat-kumara-putting-the-universal-laws-in-context-part-1/.)
Steve: Raj, can I give you a concrete example to play with as an example to show us how these laws can be invoked? And, I’m hoping that in your response you’ll use the same approach that Ashira did which I found so helpful in which you went from law to law and showed how each contributed.
Can we take the example of gender equality on the planet? We’re seeing some of the ways in which women have been kept down being revealed even in our mainstream media but certainly in the alternative media. How would we use universal law to manifest gender equality on the planet?
Sanat Kumara: This is a delightful question. Yes, and even with the aberration and abomination that has taken place, let us look at it. Now there are those of you that in fact feel that it is a primary role – because you all have many secondary roles and projects – that it is your primary role to address gender and equality.
But, let us even back up from that. Every being, think of this, every single human being, human being in form upon this planet has come – man and woman, transgender, sexual preference doesn’t matter – you have come to break this paradigm of abuse and control. And this is just one example. But, it is an excellent example.
But think of it in this way, beloved ones. Steve, you mentioned that you let go of fear. And, it is not fear of heights or water or drowning etc. It is fear itself. So, gender inequality is abuse and control and abomination itself. And, so it is inherent as part of the creation of Nova Earth and the return to the Mother’s plan, that this is part of every person’s journey on the planet.
So, you may say, ‘Well, this is not my primary task.’ You may well be right. And it is particularly true – do you not ever wonder why there are more women on your planet than men? It is because of the anchoring of the Divine Feminine at this pivotal moment.
And, in many ways you, particularly you who I speak to this night as men, who have come in this male body with the framework of the old that makes you think that you’re supposed to be in control, that you’re supposed to take the lead, that you’re supposed to do this, that and something else. You have a very hard road and you are breaking it. And you are breaking it because you realize for men and women, it is the balance [that’s important].
So, now let us return to the subject. It is part of your sacred purpose. Some more than others. But it is an invocation of your sacred purpose [Law of Sacred Purpose], which is in alignment with your very soul design to dissolve gender inequality, to be able to anchor and reflect the Divine Mother and the Divine Father, the wisdom, the action, the ability to birth and nurture and create. So this is part and parcel of your law of sacred purpose.
But what happens if you never embrace it with an intention [Law of Intent] in small things – whether you are at the butcher, the baker, the banker or at the UN or in the Congress of the United States, that it is your intention, aligning and invoking the law of intent. That you intend to absolutely break the back of this paradigm.
So that it is not just within the grand gestures; it is part of your consciousness so that even when you think of, say, female gender mutilation, you are already holding that intention that that practice, that the aberration of abuse of authority behind that practice is gone.
Now, in that, you are implementing laws and the law of change but also you want it to be faster. So, you are thinking, ‘well I think I am going to throw in there the law of transmutation.’ And think of it this way and this is a little aside.
When you are implementing and using these laws, you think that you are sending out your intention, your sacred purpose, the change, the transmutation etc. And you are. But, dearest heart, what you are also doing in the invocation of any law is you are also working within.
So, within your core, you are intending in alignment with your sacred purpose with the law of change and transmutation. Perhaps even elimination that you, within yourself, if there is any trace of that right to abuse, that you are eliminating it. So, as you send out, you are not sending out that fragment that is still existing within you.
Then what you begin to do is to really create. So, you embrace in the law of attraction. You are repulsing any urge that would want to do harm to another to have ascendancy or false control over another. And you are attracting equality and gentleness and compassion. But you are also working with the law of unification because you have to bring everybody into the place of understanding that you are in unity.
Years ago, you had great discussions about unity consciousness. Then it dropped off the map. Now it is one thing and then it is another. It is a progression so I do not say that in a critical way. But, in that discussion you were implementing the law of unification of unity within yourself, that you were an integrated whole and within the community and within the planet.
So, as you work with the creation of equality upon your planet, you are really invoking and working with the universal law of unification and unity.
And you are attaching implying and imploring and utilizing the law of attraction, and attaching to the vision and the actuality of fairness, of kindness, of equality. And you are detaching, you are cutting those cords completely to any system or belief system that thinks that gender inequality is in any way acceptable.
And then you are implying and imploring and utilizing the law of completion and continuity. So that what you are doing you are completing in gentle, kind, non-warring, aggressive, chaotic ways. You are completing that chapter of human history. And you are continuing in the creation of Nova Earth, Nova Humanity, Nova Society.
Does this give you a flavor of what I am talking about?
(1) Kathleen Mary Willis, “Building Nova Earth: Universal Law and the Balance of Gender Equality,” December 30, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/12/30/building-nova-earth-universal-law-and-gender-equality/
Sanat Kumara on Using the Universal Laws to Bring about Gender Equality | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/04/2023 09:50:00 PM