How to Treat This Present Moment | Heavenletters
MAR 28 2023
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
You try to determine your future and the future of everything. There is enough for you to do with right now without that. You are always saying how much you have to do, and yet you take on the future. You carry it with you like a dark cloak that weighs heavily on you or like a hovering black vulture that pursues you.
Ensure your future with this moment right now. This moment right now — look upon it with wonder. Look upon this gift of this moment as the treasure that it truly is. It is not a treasure because it will never come back again, as it is said. No, it is a treasure because it never leaves you! And it is a blessing in your hand.
When I say this moment never leaves you, this does not mean it is your past to carry. It means that it becomes a part of you — your genes, if you will, your make-up, your physical and non-physical constituency. This moment is like the food you eat, the air you breathe, the water you drink.
This moment sculptures you in a freeze frame of a movie, and it leads to the next frame. Just as you lift your foot to walk, in the next moment, your foot comes down. The preceding affects the ensuing. The ensuing follows the preceding.
In this moment you set something in motion. What are you going to set in motion? Fear? Dread? Anxiety? How about joy and delight? The very presence of joy and delight prevent you from thinking of the future, and, so, in the moment you enact your future very well. When you are in joy, you are fully in your present moment. That is clear, isn’t it? Don’t ask Me how you get to be fully in the present moment. I am telling you. Have joy in it. That is what it is for.
Feel joy in your limbs. Feel joy in your eyes and what they see. Let them see something. Look out the window. Look at the light on the leaves and love this moment of light on the leaves. Love the leaves. Love the light. Love the shadows of darkness that reveal the light. Love the tree without leaves. Love the blue of the sky and the green of the grass. Love gray skies and clouds and the rain and the snow and the yellow sun.
Will not for the cool of winter now while you have the hot of summer.
Will not for anything that you do not see before you this moment. Do not fear it either.
This moment of opportunity that is before you — don’t skip over it. It is your moment.
You can decide ahead of time that you will look at this moment and whatever it brings you with dispassionate love, for it is your moment of a time with Me. I am with you. Perhaps this moment is not dressed the way you thought it should be. Perhaps you don’t notice Me because you do not see My holy blazing light. But this moment of right now, I am before you in all My glory, and My eyes gaze into yours with perfect light. Look into My eyes, and all the cloaks and all the vultures must dispatch themselves. They cannot stay or enter where Our eyes meet. They cannot stay or enter when Our eyes meet.
Our eyes see through everything.
Capture this moment, and you will not be stuck in it. You will go for more.
This moment is a brief firefly. It is gone before you know it. Know this moment, and it will carry you in triumph on its shoulders into the next moment which will also carry you to the next as a royal porter carries a treasured find gently.
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How to Treat This Present Moment | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/29/2023 06:04:00 AM