(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
What is Happening Now?
Most of you are feeling the immense/intense energies that have stepped up as they blast through Sun into our atmosphere, and instantly build up the Light quotient within you.
You are finding more of a connection with your “Higher Soul Self” in that you are able to find more Joy on a regular basis. If it is not Joy then it is Gratitude, if not Gratitude then it is Peace.
Some have found their Bliss and it becomes a matter of “acclimatising” to ways of expressing the constant flow of your Being to form a bridge of expression to others (your inner experience with the beautiful match to the outer) that is comfortable for you and the versions of others that you attract.
It is different for each and for those who are saying “That’s not how I feel. I feel miserable, in pain, dopey, sleepy, dizzy, “emotionally out of control, totally confused….. etc”. I would suggest that you are simply allowing the intensity of the “higher” energy to bring up that which has to be released. That is all.
Let go, let go, let go.
Don’t try to understand it all just let go. Once free of burdens that do not serve, you too will feel the Joy, etc.
As you feel this Joy more often, anchor it by recognising the expression of it. It is a most noticeable feeling around and within your entire Being and you feel almost like skipping, like throwing your arms around everyone.
Play with how to bring this into your world. Know that what you are feeling in this way Now is just a starter.
It bears little connection the to human drama playing out on the “world stage” because you are shifting to a New Parallel Reality.
As this Joy spreads and expands within yourself you will find your days to play out in a way often that you had not really expected. You will get the feelings and pleasure that a single moment will bring, a moment that will take your breath away, and spread both back and forward across the whole of your day.
Truly a Now moment for your whole day and it will arise in an instant and you do not have to look for it.
Simply believe and expect your inner alignment to be reflected in how your reality will greet you.
You will find too that your feelings towards others has expanded in Love. A general more frequent overall wellbeing is arising within the self and when appreciated it is a natural occurrence for this to link up with the hearts of those around you. This is a perfect, and such an easy way to lift the vibration of your experience and the planet.
This is what you came to do. We have complicated matters and allowed the mind’s doubts and fears to make mountains out of mole hills in every corner of our life. Yet it is all so simple and Love is the key.
To Feel Love is exactly ALL there is to do, in any given moment, about any given thing, regarding any given person. And the more you Choose it the subtler and all pervasive it becomes within you.
It resides within and it only needs your allowance, your ownership, for it to be felt and to flow out.
It is merely a breath away.
Isn’t it ironic that we thought the veil over our sight was around us but in fact what we sought was within us all the time? Simply giving ourselves permission to be THAT Love.
How freeing it is to let go of all concerns and simply holding great FAITH that all is well and all will continue being well.
How glorious a Feeling when You Truly consciously accept that you are here to BE LOVE in order to complete all you came to do.
Shine On
I So Love You
What is Happening Now | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/09/2023 09:52:00 PM