Saturday, February 4, 2023

Vrillon via Erena Velazquez | February 4, 2023

Submitted to Voyages of Light on February 4, 2023

Greetings Humans,

I am Vrillon from Ashtar Galactic Command, and I am speaking to your race on behalf of your Galactics Brothers and Sisters. Today I am here with a new communication to your planet.

Right now, Divine is foreseeing over the process of transformation on Mother Earth. The leaders representing the Light have been moving too slow with the plans. It can’t be allowed anymore to let the Darkness to continue rule over your planet. Mother Earth started also own cleansing process. The irregularities of weather and nature are related to the purification. All events including military conflicts are not coincidental, they need to happen in order to finally crush the Matrix.

Ground crew needs to remove Evil elements from positions of power and finish rescue of abused children and women from Satanic entities. Time of the negations is over. Your Ascension Process is overdue, this why Divine stepped in.

Please, don’t expect any remorse from your leaders or their puppets, they are not planning to surrender or change their behavior. The removal of their souls is inevitable and being send into Universal Consciousness. They continue to come out with new plans of harming humankind. This is going to end, and they will pay for their crimes. They can surrender themselves into the Light right now or soon it will be too late. This is your last chance to preserve the soul from being striped.

We are not going to allow any false invasion done by Darkness or any other trick from Cosmos. Ashtar Command is monitoring their every move and instantly removing equipment in space, which intends to be used against mankind. This is our last warning to Dark Souls. Most of the reincarnation’s machines are dismantled, only a couple are left. Ashtar Command is working on destroying the last ones.

Open yourselves to receive the blessings coming from Divine Presence on your planet. Don’t be afraid to stand for truth and better days are coming. Thank you Universal Channel.

We are Sending Our Supreme Love.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez