(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
It has been reported that this ascension thing is a shift from the 3D to the 5D while remaining in physical form.
Along with that comes certain ascension symptoms which have been discussed by many different sources. And we are all feeling it.
It has also been suggested by some that any physical ailment we may be experiencing could be part of this transformation.
Allow me a minute to observe myself as a lab rat and to report on a recent experience.
Not all of my writing can be about sunshine and roses, yo.
I came down with what could be called Flu symptoms.
I got out of bed and instantly felt aches and pains throughout my body.
Curious, I thought, I had not done anything very physical this week. Why does it feel like I have climbed a mountain?
I had a full schedule for the day.
Live podcast I wanted to watch at 8am, meeting for a food drive at 11am, and a coveted massage appointment at 3pm.
I watched the podcast then went to stand up again. It was not pretty.
I sat back down and did not want to get back up.
My meeting was happening in my house and I needed to do some housekeeping so I pushed through and got busy.
I continued to feel woozy and realized something was not right. I am a stubborn sort and continue to deny the possibilities.
When my guest arrived I gave fair warning. I am not feeling well, enter at your own risk.
By the time they left there was no doubt I was going back to bed.
I ended up canceling my appointments for the next few days.
Now the lab rat misery part.
As the aches and pains took over and the discomfort grew, I played with ways to make myself feel better.
Rocking and cooing like I was a baby worked really well.
But my mind was still stuck in misery.
So I started engaging in theta wave activity.
I imagined writing a story, I visited new landscapes and searched a river valley like I could find what was around the next corner.
This was amazingly effective.
When I came back, the discomfort would gradually return as well.
In a way I was detaching from the body and thus its physical sensations.
When I focused on my body, in order to take inventory of what was happening, the unease increased
I continued with deep slow breaths until drifting off.
Fortunately, I was able to sleep through most of it and kept the thought that, tomorrow it will all be better.
Tomorrow came and it was not better, but it was different.
It had now moved into my GI tract and was giving me quite the stomach ache.
Rocking was upsetting to my stomach so I needed to find new tricks.
Just a side note here: Yes, I was taking oral remedies. Silver, mushroom tea and z-stack.
Homeopathy takes time and I was looking for immediate relief.
This time I decided to infuse myself with love.
I bolstered up an energy ball of love and infused it into my chi.
I focused on love and the warmth it brings and sent it into every cell of my being.
I tapped an affirmation into my body and sent the love throughout.
While I was doing this I felt comfortable in the practice but my body stayed in pain.
This was nausea and Incredibly uncomfortable.
I kept going.
I placed my hands across my belly and abdomen in Reiki position and sent more love and asked for any assistance that might be provided.
I found a vedic chant for healing and listened as I fell into a deep sleep.
I did not know I could sleep so hard.
I was deep and the dreams were intense.
At one point I woke up saying that’s enough.
My brain felt like jello.
Upon awakening I found my symptoms had shifted again.
The ‘toxin’ was in a hurry to remove itself from my body.
That brings us to the end of day 2.
Pretty good progress if you ask me.
Third day I seemed to be pretty good.
I got up slowly and a little bit wary.
But moving felt better than laying there any longer.
I moved about and took note of my condition.
I had not really ingested any food the day before so I knew I needed sustenance.
I blended a fruit smoothie with raw egg.
My brain seemed to be the worst thing today. I couldn’t keep a clear thought.
It has taken me all day to clear my head enough to actually do anything.
This has me wondering about the integration of our bodies into a higher dimension.
If this exercise was an upgrade and the body is adjusting, the brain needs to follow. Or vice versa I don’t really know.
But if my brain fog was next this must be part of the process.
Its interesting that each of my body systems were processed separately.
First the muscular osteopathic structure, then the Gastrointestinal system and now the tiny grey cells.
If we are adjusting our bodies to hold our new selves much like our social political systems, do we need to break them down a bit in order to rebuild?
Would the level of tear down be dependent on the current condition of our bodies?
The current condition of our spiritual bodies?
I consider myself fairly healthy. I do have some issues but manage my health without pharmaceuticals or medical doctors.
I didn’t think I would have caught the flu or whatever this was unless I needed to for some reason.
For whatever reason I did and I find that fascinating
I consider myself blessed in that it wasn’t as bad for me as I have heard others report.
I will tune into myself as the days progress and see if I notice any differences.
I do want to note that I was looking to feel better by being my old self again.
Maybe I need to change that focus and look forward to feeling better as my new self.
Whatever our process is, I want to encourage everyone to hang in there.
Try different methodologies and see what one works best for you.
Being sick is never fun.
It is very challenging actually.
If this has never been done before and we get to be the ones to get it done, so be it.
We are here for each other but nothing is tougher than doing it for yourself.
And nothing is as important.