(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
At some point in our lives we want to start telling people how old we are.
We will start a conversation or our sentences with; I am 65 years old and this is what I know.
It’s a badge of honor or a qualification for what proceeds from our mouths.
As it should be.
Yes, at some point one gains enough experience that our learned perception is valuable.
It should be given its appropriate accolades.
It should be listened to.
This does not always mean the information is for you.
But it can carry some wise advice.
Does this wisdom make one a master?
No. I cannot say I am 65 or 95 and therefore be a master of something.
One may very well be a master of something, we all have our geniuses.
What I am trying to convey is that experience alone does not a master make.
There is something more.
There is the character in a man or woman that defines who they are.
This character will not be worn as wrinkles of time on the outer suit of a guru.
This is an element that runs under the radar sitting in the core of the individual.
This is their center.
Their beacon.
Their personal guidance.
This is what they have learned and have integrated fully.
This will now be a part of them which they can share.
They have completed the transition from student to practitioner and from teacher into mastery.
They can still be all of those things.
Masters of something rarely will claim to know it all.
But what they do know can be imparted with impudence or with grace.
This is where character polishes the mastery.
Learning how ‘to be’ is as valuable as having knowledge.
What use is arrogance when trying to impart wisdom?
Open hands carry more than closed fists
This is tapping into the divinity within.
Knowing oneself, while bringing forward the qualities of understanding, compassion and love, are the markings of a master in an elevated existence.
There are a few examples of these masters in our history.
They have since left this earth plane and we refer to them now as Ascended.
The Ascended Masters who walked among us earned their honor by acts of greatness.
This greatness was not the winning of wars and battles but through the gentleness of their footsteps.
The kindness of their heart and the depth of love from their eyes.
The image here may invoke the names of Jesus, Siddartha, Abraham, and Mary.
We know the famous ones.
But did you know there are Masters walking among us right now?
They are here at this very moment doing their work. They are here right now sharing their wisdom.
More importantly there are Masters standing shoulder to shoulder with us everyday helping lift the heavy burdens.
Many are walking up to you and saying, Do you need help with this?
They reach out and grab a corner, then wait patiently for you to lift so that they may help you.
You see, a wise master engages you. They don’t do it for you.
They help you realize, you too have what it takes to make it happen.
Sometimes, we can lift just by encouragement.
Other times we need a little more.
A wise master knows this and the teaching is unconditional in its delivery.
What grace that walks amongst us during this catalytic time!
I have been blessed with meeting more than one of these gentle loving hearts.
The overwhelming love and gratitude I have for each of them is beyond words.
This writing is for them.
This one’s for you,
In my humbleness
Thank you