Saturday, February 4, 2023

Straddling Dimensions | Steve Beckow

Like riding two horses

By Steve Beckow, February 3, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Yes, we’re all angels. (1) And, therefore, yes, a part of our being exists in the Transcendental.

But the part of our being that’s reading this exists here, in 3/4D. And it neither has a recollection of the Transcendental nor can it draw on its higher capabilities.

My situation is probably the same for many if not most lightworkers:

Archangel Michael: A very large quotient, shall we say, of you is living … in the higher-dimensional realm. Then there is a part of you that is in fact in the, shall we say, the morass of the chaos in the lower (for lack of a better term) dimensional realm because that is where the work is. (2)

He discussed the matter more generally here:

Steve: What does it mean to be balanced?

Archangel Michael: It means to be in your heart only and completely [the heart being a portal to the higher dimensions]. It means to have your feet firmly planted in this dimension and Earth, because that is where the work is. (3)

So straddling dimensions is an occupational hazard of being a lightworker because 3/4D is where the work is.


As an awareness writer, I share about my own inner explorations. My hope is that it assists yours.

I’m experiencing more and more of what I think of as wisps of divine states. If we bestow our attention on any one of them, the divine state grows.

I felt a wisp of bliss this morning and I gave it my attention. It amplified itself until I was immersed in it. I then meditated in that space for around fifteen minutes, allowing it to restore and refresh me, before getting back to work.

Sitting in it for a time is not something I’d have thought to do a year ago and it produces much better results than I’d have hoped for.

I take these as proofs that we are simmering in the love of a gradual Ascension and indicators of how well things are coming along.

Based on these observations, I think it’s possible to anchor inner peace through meditation, quiet walks, even silence and know that it probably has an inordinate, disproportionate impact on the collective consciousness at this time of Ascension, greater than it would have had in any time in the past.

It isn’t necessarily our numbers in marches, I think, so much as our numbers in intention. What the wish is of the collective, the intention, is what invites galactic and celestial assistance, to the best of my knowledge.

Because they respect our freewill, we have to ask. That can be as simple as a wish or a prayer. Or an invocation of the universal laws.

I invoke Archangel Michael and the universal laws of intention, as above so below, and transmutation, to fulfill our intention to bring peace to Earth and all its people.

The wishes of the collective are honored. The New Earth is apparently already formed in the higher dimensions and simply needs us to draw it down to us.

Realizing that, can we consider becoming focused on what we wish for and begin to ask Heaven to bring forth in all respects the future that awaits us? I think that will speed things along faster than all diplomacy and international saber-rattling.


(1) See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at

(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 18, 2020. [Hereafter AAM.]

(3) AAM, Feb. 18, 2011.