Submitted by Sheri B
Responding to: Understanding and Transcending our Limitations | Kenneth Schmitt
So many refer to the solar flash. Here is what it really is....
It's in the Book of Revealing/Revelations.
The heaven will be rolled back like a scroll. It will reveal the Light of Day! Quess what that is? The Sun! It will be there! That will be the sign of the Son of Man returning to save earth and us!
You will see the second sun in the sky then! That second Sun is the sign of the Son of Man returning! It will take over a year, a few months longer.
If you know the names of Gs holy days in Lev 23, it will be in His Feast of Trumpets He returns to earth on. That's always in the Fall, Sep/Oct.
That is when Jesus first came to earth, on the Feast of Trumpets, was born. Trumpets are a symbol for war. The blast is alarming. Jes said, "I didn't come to bring peace to earth." And He didn't at that time. In fact He explained how everyone in families would be arguing over who He is. He actually brought fighting and wars to earth over it. Why? Because Satan fell here a long time ago. He lies about everything and likes to create war. He always starts them. He turns everything into war. He creates the division any and every way imaginable.
This time, first thing when the 200,000,000 man army see Him, they got halted by plagues and are waiting just outside Armageddon for the all clear call. This time humans, inspired by the temporary ruler of this world, will war against Jes. They don't stand a snowballs chance! In fact, just a look from the laser eyes of Jes. And their skin will melt and their eyeballs will roll out of their sockets and disintegrate.
Jes wins of course. President T told us already. He saw the timeline. He knows what was inspired by G and written. His troops found the manuscripts and Satan's want to torture him and find and destroy it. He sacrificed himself for us! These demons don't stop. They are the liars.
But that will be the end of the worst of it, at least for a thousand years.
That's when Ez 37 happens! G shows His Prophet Ezekiel how He's going to resurrect from sleeping/being dead, all the people who died on earth and make them live again. It's short, maybe one page. Read it! Afaithfulversion.com is the original order bible. Get the paperback study bible with the 10 CD set that goes with it. $38. The best translation ever! 831-737-1875. Afaithfulversion.com
It's free on line too.
It goes into everything. It's the finest translation ever. Has an additional almost 300 pgs that explain things. Pretty awesome.
A lot of people don't have a clue what the bible says. It's not that hard. Your kids sure won't learn if you don't start reading it as a family on Gds Sabbath. Break it down in pieces for the kids. I got some felt figures and a felt background of the bible stories. You can let them play with it when you read the actual stories. You could buy felt squares and do simple doll figure cut outs for fun too. I tried to make bible learning fun. It was for little ones. But satan sure sticks his nose everywhere. Just keep at it. See, we get blessings when we actually OBEY Gds Sabbath. Prove it for yourself.
I love the day! I've trained myself to have everything clean on Thursday, beds, laundry...and groc shop and cook or food prep ahead too. I get all chores done before the sun sets Fri.
Then I treat myself to a blessing., and maybe chocolates. Treats. I set aside every Sabbath to enjoy and celebrate creation and everything God made for us. Also read and play my cds. But overall I talk to G and go to Him to build a line of communication with the Supreme Creator of Everything. That's what He loves more than anything, a personal relationship with His child. Sadly not many speak to Him anymore. I guess that would make me angry too. But I don't let it get that way because I really love how He heals and comforts and guides me when I talk to Him on His day He set aside and sanctified (made HOLY). It's sacred (holy) because His presence is there eager to love and guide us in THE WAY we should go and once, back when He saved us in the older times we were the sons of Jacob. Gd changed his name to Israel. God likes to change names when He calls people to some special task. (America= Modern Israel) from slavery under an Egyptian Pharoah, and we all seem to wind up back in one form of slavery or another.
I dont understand why everyone wants other humans, mystics, Priests, Jews, Protestants, or anyone telling them what to believe or think, or what they can do. He's got those Ten Commandments written down for us in EX 20.
His voice was like thunder and lightening and terrified those people. Some stuff sounds like mysticism to me. I don't think they figured out the mystery at all. I prefer my personal relationship with my Supreme Creator Father enjoying lemonade on my garden swing with my Father and having no chores to do whatsoever. I listen to Him as He teaches me personally, directly. No mediators for me please!
They change things to try to gain control over our minds.
No thanks. I relish my freedom. Like it! And my Fathers words make a lot more sense in modern English of the original order bible. That's the one above. Yeah! The military discovered the original manuscripts under in the Vatican tunnels! Yeah T special military did! We have the proof of so much twisting and lies and all truth today in the faithful version!
As I understand it, it's because we are living in the transition to the Millenial Reign of Christ and Heaven on earth, paradise from what I understand.
Yeah it's going to be the FT. We already had the OT and the NT. Next is the FT. Future Testament. A whole new adventure. It never ends either. Gd said we are His children and live forever. First we might have to take a nap first. We only use 4% of our brains you know. I want to grow up to be just like my Dad.
He's going to be preparing a garden of Eden for me with tree houses and forts and swings. I never act my age. Not often.
And He really blessed me. Because I OBEY. And SPEND my Sabbaths with Him. I've never found a better investment.
I'm a joyful person. Very happy. My Father loves me. When I grow up I want to be just like Him.
Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt your unusual mystical dreams. I just can't relate to it. I love my Father.
Why, I just go straight to the Supreme Being if I have any questions, needs, for fun.
He gives real answers.
Response to "Understanding and Transcending our Limitations" | Sheri B
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/11/2023 09:56:00 PM