(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Dr. Schavi M. Ali, February 8, 2023, disclosurenews.it
An M 6.38-Class solar flare exploded from our Sun at 23:07 Universal Time (UT) on Tuesday night, 2/7/2023.
A C.7- Class flare (almost M-Class) has exploded this morning, 2/8/2023, at 10:33 (UT).
The magnetosphere chart of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the USA indicates strong solar wind streams and a planetary magnetic field packed with plasma particle extreme density and pressure.
Neutron counts with a zero charge are rated as being Below Average.
Solar winds are currently traveling at 595.5 kilometers per second.
There have been 125 earthquakes in the past 24 hours with a 5.4 magnitude occurring in Micronesia.
Our Sun is harboring energy for further M-Class flares.
The Non-Stop Flight to clearing, cleansing, and transformation is zooming at high speed.
Tighten your seatbelts.

Larger percentages of people around the world seem to be questioning what is happening as destructive quakes, volcanic upheavals, tremendous storms, massive floods, terrible wind twirling tornadoes, and more conditions tear apart our planet and upset normal lives.
Re-construction cannot occur without destruction, and in some areas, the tectonic plates are intensely pushing and pressing against each other, which is the case in very ancient parts of the world such as in Turkey and Syria.
However, the plates are sliding along through other parts of the world in their powerful thrashing and tearing apart.
There is a scriptural passage regarding when Yeshua gave teachings on the signs of the end of the age, where he says (among many other things) that “There will be earthquakes in rare places.”
Many English translations refer to “diverse places.” However, diverse merely means different, or “lots of.”
The actual translation from Aramaic and Hebrew is “rare places,” and rare means in places that do not usually experience a certain phenomenon.
In this case, the phenomenon is earthquakes.
Therefore, even though quakes are not unusual in certain parts of our planet (such as the Middle East and parts of Asia), they will become more prevalent in other parts of Earth/Gaia.
This is not the end of the world.
It is the end of the world as we know it ~ the end of an age, an era, an eon in the space/time continuum. We are approaching the end of Kali Yuga, and its end phase is most chaotic.
To reiterate a bit of history, the current Kali Yuga began in approximately 4300 B.C.E. (“Before the Common Era”), when male barbarous hordes from what today is called Russia, other parts of Eastern Europe, and the Tibetan Plateau destroyed parts of East Africa (specifically Egypt [Kemet], Ethiopia [Kush], and India (ancient Bharata). Temples dedicated to Source as the Divine Mother were burned, along with ancient holy texts. Land was burned, and people were destroyed or subjugated.
The male paradigm of worship became prominent, and any sacred images were all made to be male.
Language pronouns in reference to Source were changed to masculine.
This is why today when most people are discussing something about God, they say He and Him.
If someone refers to the Divine or to Source as She or Her, such a person is looked at with shock, and may even be accused of blasphemy.
The Avatar (a word which translates as “One Who Descends”), Sri Bhagavan Krishna appeared (was born) in 3228 B.C.E., and taught many Divine principles ~ just one of which deals with Source being our Divine Mother.
When he exited his physical vessel in 3102 B.C.E., he left us the Baghavad Gita.
Kemet and Bharata were sibling nations. In Kemet, it was originally taught that “Mut-em-Ua” (“Water of the Virgin Mother”) was Self-Created, Self-Creating, and birthed all of creation from Her vast, watery, cosmic womb.

There is, of course, much more to discuss of so-called history such as the fact that a woman named Eve did not come from the rib of a man named Adam.
However, sometimes too much food can be given at one time, and people need time to digest what has already been placed before them.
Some people need time to realize that they do not know what they thought they did, and that they have been duped by an old system of manipulation and control.
They even need time to be angry and to negate what they have not studied for themselves. Study demands lots of reading (including ancient texts), traveling, and learning from those with more knowledge than they have.
It involves a lessening of ego. Ego is not bad.
A person should be proud of his or her accomplishments.
Ego becomes dangerous when it is used to manipulate, control, enslave, or destroy others.
Sometimes, however, ego is not the culprit.
Sometimes, greed and jealousy causes certain segments of humanity to endeavor to destroy what others have accomplished.
Source is in the final stages for a re-birthing. Labor is intensifying.
The spiritual forceps are opening the material realm.
We have turned in the birth canal.
The water broke through long, long ago, and yet, it is still coming.
We are still traveling towards Light, but prepare for landing.
Please continue to pray for the people in Turkey and Syria. Also, pray for all of our planet to heal and achieve peace. Let us also pray for ourselves so that we can fully anchor to Source Light.
Non-Stop Ride! | Dr. Schavi M. Ali
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/09/2023 09:50:00 PM