Sunday, February 5, 2023
New Ways of Being XV: All is Hidden in Plain View | Nicky Hamid
(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
This is not a riddle.
It is the truth of your experiencing and knowing.
When complex make simple.
When distracted come to centre and observe.
When unsure look to your own authority.
When confused go to Heart.
When heavy (too serious) make Light.
When choosing see with Love.
When separated, connect to Source.
What you need to see is directly in front of you.
Look within to know the “without”.
All is hidden in plain view
Sing your Soul Song.
I So Love You
PS: There is and always had been a Great Plan. It is Divine (of, in and through GOD).
No One not even the Masters Know how exactly how it will play out. That is up to each one of us.
In the beginning there was the void (deepest darkness). Source with the infinite unmanifest potential for everything that could ever be manifest. And the words that lead to Creation were “Let there be LIGHT”
Everything, that ever was, is, or will be, including You and I are of the LIGHT.
You cannot be anything but.
So all we see and have seen as in human 3D creation, without Light, is without real substance, and thus must disintegrate into the nothingness from which it came.
Truth (the LIGHT) is being revealed, everywhere when you choose to feel it through your Heart and follow it through the Innocence of your Pristine Child Nature. Step by step without knowing how it will all play out, just that it will.
“The meek (not weak) shall inherit the Earth”.
Regardless of who or what appears to be happening in the world the trajectory is set.
So stop worrying, waiting, for things to change or someone else to make things better. Get on with living your Joy day to day and watch the miracles unfold all around you.
There is absolutely No Way you (WE) will not be OK.
There is a Great Plan and when you choose LIGHT ON……..
All is hidden in plain view.