Money | Heavenletters
FEB 9 2023
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Money is one of the many flimsy illusions in the world. It is taken seriously, and yet it is a trick of the mind. Money is like the Emperor’s New Clothes. Everyone pretends that these rectangles of paper and circular coins have great value. Money is bowed down to. It is even called the almighty dollar. Crimes have even been committed in the name of this paper and metal.
Yes, at the present time, money is needed in the world in exchange for goods. And yet this is only an agreed-upon mirage, beloveds. Money offers a certain security, yet you can’t count on it. There has to be a greater security than money, and, fortunately, there is.
Real security comes true awareness. Yes, from Me and from Me within you. Insecurity comes from less than that. Sense of insecurity and sense of security both come from your belief system and all the thoughts you’ve accrued.
I cannot prove to you, beloveds, the great security that is yours, yet you do already know that money comes and goes and that its value fluctuates according to one thing or another. It is common knowledge that money can’t buy you happiness. The security that monetary wealth can give is false. I understand how it is that you accept false security in lieu of the golden bullion within you. A dime means a great deal when you don’t know you have ten dollars in your pocket.
I know you say there is a lot you will do when you have money. You say a lot of things will change. You will fulfill all your desires, and then you will do great things for the world, and then you will help the poor.
Beloveds, practice being wealthy now. Fulfill your desires, do great things, and help the poor. Learn generosity at the same time as you feel what it’s like to drive the new car of your choice and live in the house of your dreams. Feel it. Have the joy. Have the joy, and you may not need the new car and the mansion. Have enough joy, and you may no longer need to buy those things that you like to think will bring you great happiness and security.
For everything you buy, beloveds, you buy a dream, and with everything you buy, a rider of responsibility comes along with it. You think you will be more carefree when you have lots of money. The fact is you are carefree now. Try loving the life you have now. Money is a powerful distraction, beloveds. Too much or too little can distract you from noticing greater.
I do not belittle your need for cash. I want you to have it. I even want you to have a lot of it, why not? I also want you to know that your life does not depend upon it. Your life depends upon other things than money.
In the relative world, money has its place, and yet it only goes so far. Depend upon yourself more than money. Otherwise, you wait for something outside you to happen.
Despite all your talk, you may push money away.
Have the idea that you really do not need it so much. With that idea, you may find it true that you do not need money so much. Know your wealth now. Have more dependency upon yourself and less upon your spending habits. Money is not the answer to all your prayers.
Live in your heart as if you have great wealth now. Get away from worry. Give as much attention to giving money as you do to making money. Carry a different tune. Feel joy. Money does not come first, beloveds. Loving and giving do.
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Money | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/09/2023 09:48:00 PM