(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
So many are feeling the effects of the powerful energies flowing into the new grid systems of Earth and the grid system of the field of you right now.
Dreamy, drowsy, far away, disconnected to 3D, needing to withdraw, tears and/or annoyance are rife.
Let it Be. Be still mind. There is nothing you have to know.
“I Am Source, I Am Sovereign, I AM Free”.
No more to protect from unseen, unknown.
Heart song deep within speak to me.
Let me hear your voice and the voices of my High Company within, that I may sing my song of LOVE.”
From the Stillness, of pristine clarity resides you as Soul Being you have always sought and always been.
Most of you are feeling the immense/intense energies that have stepped up as they blast through Sun into our atmosphere, and instantly build up the Light quotient within you.
You are finding more of a connection with your “Higher Soul Self” in that you are able to find more Joy on a regular basis. If it is not Joy then it is Gratitude, if not Gratitude then it is Peace.
Some have found their Bliss and it becomes a matter of “acclimating” to ways of expressing the constant flow of your Being to form a bridge of expression to others (your inner experience with the beautiful match to the outer) that is comfortable for you and the versions of others that you attract.
It is different for each and for those who are saying “That’s not how I feel. I feel miserable, in pain, dopey, sleepy, dizzy, “emotionally out of control, totally confused….. etc”. I would suggest that you are simply allowing the intensity of the “higher” energy to bring up that which has to be released.
That is all.
Let go, let go, let go.
Don’t try to understand it all just let go.
Drop into the PEACE WITHIN.
And be with your day which is your REAL in the “movie”.
Once free of burdens that do not serve, you too will feel the Joy, etc.
Be still sweet mind
I So Love You
Acclimating | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/11/2023 09:34:00 PM