Life moves towards the center, which the spiral symbolizes
By Steve Beckow, January 18, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
It somehow feels right to make a heartfelt pitch for the political center round about now.
To do that, I have to combine spirituality with politics.
Politics has gotten a bad rap. Originally, say, in Greek city states, politics (1) grew up to organize and give expression to popular opinion by voting on the leaders of government.
But those who opposed an honest political system showed themselves willing to go to any lengths – deceit, assassination, war – to secure power. In many instances, for a time, they succeeded. But their creations have no lasting power, as Sanat Kumara made clear:
“You may see momentary creations – and I am not saying they cannot be absolutely horrific, and that is on a spectrum – but they do not endure and they do not create, not only sustainability, but what we would call building…it does not build upon itself. It does not gain legs, as it were, when it is built upon what you think of as the false grid that has been so entrenched in the human condition for so long.” (2)
I said earlier that, in my view, a dictator is distinguished by how far they’re willing to go to secure or hold on to power. (3) Hitler killed his opponents. Mussolini tortured them. Today, as the Clinton body count testifies, we “suicide” them with a shot to the back of the head.
Dictators are willing to go to and use the extremes of emotionality. Not all their decisions, therefore, are well-thought-out or carried out. They have no fallback plan except more violence to enforce submission. None of this is appealing to those who fall victim to it.
Having trod the paths of anger when I was younger, I know how hard it is to come back from it. Nevertheless the answer does lie in coming back – in leaving the extremes behind, by the force of our own commitment, and settling into the center.
Less drama, less trauma.
We may have all kinds of judgments about the center – Pollyanna, timorous, cowardly – but the fact is that the center, the moment, the here and now is another portal to the higher dimensions. (The heart is also a portal.) (4)
But our judgements don’t matter. The center remains a door to the more refined realms, whatever we say or believe.
Our judgments don’t make a difference. They only condemn us to more years in density, sickness, old age, etc.
Since warriors of love don’t want to resort to armed force, they often lose in the beginning. But exactly because they’re peace-loving, their creations, when they come, are sustainable, whereas those founded on force and criminality are not.
An example of why not can be found in the extent to which French sabotage and other forms of resistance to Nazi rule succeeded. It was easy to make a truck that would break down in the field or to pour kerosene over fish packed and destined for Germany. The Nazis could not win the hearts of the populace through repression.
We find when we spend time in the center that the divine qualities live there as well. Love, bliss, joy, peace, self-mastery all live in the center, in that still mind of peace.
For now, warriors of peace have to stop the deep state from depopulating the globe – beyond genocide to omnicide.
But once they’re defeated, as they will be, and peace returns to the world, we, like all galactic nations, will have to solve the problem of how to keep the peace when faced with power-hungry individuals, in the time left before leaving conflict behind with Ascension.
(1) Polis = City or city state. Hence citizen.
(2) He continues:
“That is why you see these creations, whether they are economic systems or war machines or gender inequality, why they cannot sustain themselves because they are not anchored in the fuel of the universe and in the essence of you, sweet angels. They are not anchored in love and they certainly do not come with an aura of joy.
“Now the creator, whether it is a Hitler or an Idi Amin, may think that they feel a moment of joy…which is truly simply the rush of power and the abuse of power…that is not divine, that is of the lowest human vibratory rate.
“And when that type of creation takes place, it brings, not only the individual but the collective down, it lowers the collective frequency and that is why that type of creation, in fact, fades away because it is not sustainable.” (“Sanat Kumara: Creation, Universal Law, and the Divine Qualities ,” Dec. 3, 2017, at On the Importance of the Universal Laws at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/On-the-Importance-of-the-Universal-Laws.pdf.)
(3) “The Day of the Dictators is Over,” December 20, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/12/20/the-day-of-the-dictators-is-over-2/
(4) See “The Heart as a Portal,” March 21, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/03/21/the-heart-as-a-portal/ and “The Heart is a Portal,” June 5, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/06/05/the-heart-is-a-portal/
A Pitch for the Center | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/18/2023 09:02:00 PM