Who Owns a River or the Ocean? | Heavenletters
DEC 5 2022
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Often you have thought of Me as One Who takes away from you. Undo that thinking, and you will see eminent change in your life.
What you see as taken away from you are leaves on the tree that fall in autumn. It is a slipping into another realm and other possibilities and ways of loving. When your body ceases — something you half pray for and half resent — you enter another dimension. You are not dismantled. Only your attachment is removed from you.
Attachment is your struggle. It is easy for you to care but hard to care without attachment. Attachment is adding possessions onto you. But there are no possessions. There is only a stream you mill through.
Who owns a river? Or the ocean? All an idea, this idea of ownership. The ocean is Mine.
When you walk through a beautiful forest, you enjoy it, and your heart is lifted in your passing through. A forest is My gift to you, and you walk through it. It is given to you, not to possess, but to walk through.
When you believe you own the forest, you start to see the forest as something that can be taken from you. You stop seeing it as a beautiful passage. Your walk through it becomes more like a supervisorship and you become fraught with worry which is a name for your fear of loss.
Not only is what you like to possess not owned by you, it is not possessable. Belongings do not belong to you and they do not make you belong. What is it you yearn to belong to when you and I are already One?
Ownership is not the measure of you. Evidently, you think it is. Evidently, you think you are less without the illusion of ownership of an object or a person. Ownership is one of your well-developed illusions of measurement, and yet counting is not the best use of your gift of Human life.
Treat all the material and Human as gifts given to you this morning. Oh, how you value gifts and worry about possessions. The truth is that a gift of pearls runs through your fingers. You row a boat and then get out. The beautiful sun sets. You never thought you owned it. And you know it doesn’t disappear. It’s in its cycle.
You do not own your children or your husbands and wives. There is nothing that is really yours except My eternal love for you. That you have. Accept.
Interpret life not so much.
Understand that you are also a gift I have given. Know the richness of blessing you are.
When you meet with people, consider that meeting as the giving of gifts. The meeting is itself a gift. It is a gift of My children to My children. Yet you seek for recognition of yourself there. That is like you, yourself, opening the be-ribboned package you present to another. Seek instead to open the gifts that are being given to you.
And, while you are at it, seek to know the True Giver.
I am at all gatherings. You might as well as invite Me. And you might as well look for Me once you are there. There is no gathering without Me.
The truth is that all gatherings are in My Name.
Your whole time spent on earth is a gathering together of My children.
You could say that it is a whole stream of wrapping and unwrapping gifts and exchanging them.
What did you think life was? Perhaps you have thought it was a stage for you to walk on. Perhaps you thought it was about your ego and its fulfillment. Perhaps you thought the spotlight was to be on you, and now you find that you are to be the one who shines the light.
My beloved children, do not try to possess even this moment. You do not need to possess what is already yours. Enjoying isn’t possessing. Perhaps you can only enjoy what you do not imagine you own. Give away the concept of possession. That will be no loss. That will be gain. That will be entrée into the Kingdom of Heaven.
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Who Owns a River or the Ocean? | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/06/2022 01:33:00 AM