(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
What is change?
The obvious answers first.
When things are no longer as they were.
Or, when things are as they are and the desire is to make them different.
And why would we want change?
Again obvious answers first.
Sometimes we do not want change. And other times we need to change.
And of course the famous, Change happens.
Have you ever been in a space in time and everything has been so perfect?
You wish you could freeze time and everything just be like it is in that moment?
I hope you have experienced that. I hope it has been more than once. Such a sweet spot to experience and recall.
Then there are those moments where you wonder how you got there and you cannot get out of it quick enough.
These may be the less favorable situations and maybe even thinking about them is difficult.
In many ways I am grateful for them as it gives perspective to life.
These are the extremes as the pendulum swings.
So why the discussion about change right now?
Isn’t the answer obvious?
We are in the midst of the greatest change most of us have ever experienced.
The degree of change is up to each individual and probably based on circumstance.
It is highly probable that many do not want change. They may be in that sweet spot of life and everything is just as they want it.
Why would you want to change perfection?
You might not want to but guess what?
Change Happens.
And this time, nothing will be the same and there is no going back.
Resistance is futile and may actually be detrimental if not actually painful.
Some report making it painful is the goal so that the choice point is to accept change.
I am not a fan of this perspective. But I see how it works.
Change may be attractive to others.
Perhaps they are a tough place and need to do something different in order to survive or thrive.
In these situations change is a welcomed prospect and greeted with more openness and acceptance.
Then there are those of us that like to change just because change is a fun thing to do.
I move my furniture around in my house for entertainment.
I wake up in the morning and ask myself, how can I do things differently today?
I am a mutable astrological sign. Accepting change is much easier for us than for the fixed signs.
For my birthday recently I pulled a Tarot Card.
It was the DEATH card.
That was a great sign. I was so excited by that.
How perfect on my birthday to get the symbol of death and therefore Resurrection. REbirth.
Change and start anew.
I grasped that idea with both hands and visualized a fire ceremony where I burned all that no longer served me to the ground.
I lit myself on fire and let it cleanse and purify my anguished ego.
I invoked the fiery lava from Pele’s exploding volcano.
I let the unrelenting power of change sweep over me and sat in surrender and allowance of what would arise from the ashes.
I have no idea where or who I would be when the ceremony was over.
I put absolute trust and faith into the unseen and unknown.
It is time for the phoenix to rise out of the ashes.
What the future holds is unclear.
But from this point forward I move with purpose and focus on change in a direction towards a world that I want to create.
A vision of peace and harmony for all living beings.
By incinerating my expectations I won’t carry with me the detritus from the past.
I don’t know exactly what it will look like but I accept that changes are happening and I accept that I am a part of it.
Welcoming a change that will bring us all in harmony together and Letting go of all that does not serve us is the revolution.
With all my love and holding grace for your process
we are doing this together
Revolution | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/10/2022 12:00:00 AM