Dropping Love Seeds | Nicky Hamid

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Nicky Hamid


You do not have to be a genius to know that Humanity is HURTING. Hurting deeply, and in a state of great turmoil, fear, retrenchment, and mental and emotional crisis.

As Lightworkers We are privy and blessed to have access to Observing from the “Higher ground” of Heart Knowing, if we choose.

For most this choice is not an option they can consider. They are trapped in feelings of overwhelm and the necessity to seek safety in a crumbling contrived and manipulated other-serving system. Highly vulnerable to the whims and agendas of those they rely on for guidance.

You will not change other people’s minds by arguing, long debates, or an over zealous desire to share where you are coming from.

Humanity for too long has been too dumbed down and brainwashed, through fear and lack programming to not feel threatened when the “status quo” of their frail beliefs are challenged. You will only increase feelings of threat and confusion, fear, and anger or withdrawal (fight or flight).

Dropping seeds (little “love bombs) of self-empowerment is far more useful. Seeds as simple questions presented simply.

Wherever you live there are always opportunities to drop ‘a little something’ now and again along with your Loving Touch, and then move on.

Finding a bridge between yourself and the other that they can understand, and more importantly feel, in those moments that you interact.

You let their Soul Being and their life path use the Love stimulus energy to spark off within them Light in their own journey.

We have the opportunity, and the duty to serve our Brothers and Sisters in the marketplace.

How deep and Open is Your Love?

How can YOU Love Fearlessly and stand beside anyone even though they may hold beliefs that are “apparently” diametrically opposed to your own?

Towards the ONE.

I So Love You
Dropping Love Seeds | Nicky Hamid Dropping Love Seeds | Nicky Hamid Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/05/2022 08:47:00 AM Rating: 5

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