Whisper Words of Wisdom | Digger Barr

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Digger Barr


I am curious about the language we speak.
Not about the country we come from but about the words that we choose when conveying our thoughts.
Even before we begin to verbalize out loud we have a dialogue in our heads that guide and direct our thoughts, our actions and what we communicate.
What we do and who we are in any given moment begins with the thought.

Many times we have difficulty relaying what we are thinking.
Like when we are processing emotions.
We need to process the emotion first and then try to find the words that match that feeling in order to convey it. This process can be interrupted because of the games we play with ourselves or the protections we have put in place that distort the information.
And even then we don’t always want to tell people what we are really feeling or thinking for a myriad of reasons.
A question arises about what comes first, the emotion or the thought.
Does emotion guide the thought or can our thoughts guide the emotion?
Probably a bit of both.

So what are we thinking when we have trouble putting thoughts into words?
Why are some thoughts so hard to convey?
And sometimes how do we just speak without thinking.
Where does thought come from and the language we choose to convey it with?

The most obvious answer for many would be that language is a left brain activity. Research shows that the right side is also active in processing emotions and other items then sending them through the left brain for lingual redistribution.
Of course I am not here to explore science or brain surgery.
I am more interested in tapping into thought origins. This is something beyond science.

There is the language of love which is beautiful and transcends the ages. It is a yearning that reaches up from the basic desires for connection and companionship. It is a place hardwired into most humans albeit at different intensities. This is a heart felt language that may be primal and for survival but became art, filling volumes with prose and poetry.

Another type of heart conversation but an entirely different approach is heart speaking.

Heart speaking is a way of expressing something that is at your core the ultimate truth. This is done by reaching into your heart chakra and pulling up what resonates as truth for you in each now moment.
Staying in the now is an integral part of this language because your ‘truth’ is subject to change.
We live in a busy complicated world and trying to pull a single pure thought forward can be a complex process of sorting or even blocking out all the distractions and outside influences.

The best way I know how to do this is to slow down and take a breath.
I close my eyes, quiet the mind and focus on my breath.
Sinking into my heart I shut out all external distractions and then quiet all internal distractions.
Focus on the breath. Sink deeper into the heart. Now bring forward the item that you are seeking an answer to.
Give it a minute and let the answer emerge.
Don’t push it or rush it. Feel into it. Be the observer and see what arises.
When an answer does come through, be careful to keep it simple. This will be your truth at that now moment.
As busy creatures with active minds we almost always start adding or projecting or manipulating that thought.
Pay attention and with practice you will get past this. Eventually it will become natural and instantaneous.
Just be kind and accepting of yourself and the process will develop.

When we pull forward a thought and then put it into language, it carries a vibration.
Thoughts and emotions are vibrations. That vibration transfers out into the world via language.
The language we choose becomes an important distributor of our vibration.

We all know that words can be misinterpreted and fail to convey the message intended.
Is this because the words we choose don’t match the vibration of the thought that we Intended?
The concept that our words carry a vibration is not widely known.
Yogis and spiritual leaders have shared vibration in chants and mantras for eons.
But what about our everyday conversations?

Do we realize or take responsibility for the words we choose?
Are we careful with our language in different situations?
There is some awareness but is it fully grasped at the heart level?

And yet there is still another level, even more mystical than heart speaking.

This is the quantum language.
This is the language of alchemy.
Choice words and the placement of them, create or invoke change by the mere speaking of them.
There is a vibration put forth by words and when those words are the right words in the right order they carry with them magic.
I am not speaking about spellcasting. That is the written word often with nefarious intent, but it is used in the same way.
I am talking about a secret language that has been kept from us.
This is the Divine word.
A quantum energy embedded into words that evoke higher vibrations.
These are words that carry a spiritual energy and cosmic vibration that can transform how we live, how we think, how we create.
It will transform how we communicate.

Many are aware of how they feel when someone speaks harshly.
And many are aware when words sound soft and sweet.
You see at the spiritual level we are fully aware of the vibration we receive.
Now we can learn how to bring that speech into our everyday language.
Pay attention to the vibration your words give off.
Do they feel kind ? Or do you know they are spoken harshly?
Are we creating fear with our words or are we speaking with divine energetic love?

Yes, this can be done in written form as well.
Energy can be embedded into words designed to transfer that vibration onto the reader.
Many lightworkers are aware of the gifts that are channeled to us that help raise our vibrations.
I believe this is done with the Quantum language.
I also believe this language is available to all of us.
The key is to raise your vibration and then start interacting with the vibration of your thoughts, words and emotions.
Choose your words carefully.
Be aware of what you are putting out there.
We are on the verge of becoming magic co-creating alchemists building a new reality in a whole new way.
Through our speech we can step away from fear and step into love.

In the beginning there was the word.
A vibration. A breath.
Let it be.

Whisper Words of Wisdom | Digger Barr Whisper Words of Wisdom | Digger Barr Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/29/2022 10:07:00 AM Rating: 5

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