Submitted to Voyages of Light on November 26, 2022
Greetings Humanity,
We are the Galactic Federation of Light sending today telepathic communication to your planet.
We would like to remind you that you are on the verge of big events coming to Mother Earth. We can’t disclose them as the Darkness would use the information for their advantage.
Divine is going to transform your reality into paradise not your governments, whom you trusted for a long time. They deceived and robbed humanity from deserved prosperity. Their plans always have been dark to make everyone suffer. You required to work to be able to have shelter, clothes and food.
Right now, we advise you to focus on constantly raising your vibrations. Light is dissolving evil’s control everywhere. 0ld financial system and other structures are crashing, so a new foundation is getting built to a free high dimensional society. If you want to stay above illusion, let go of 3D completely, otherwise you can end up being stock between dimensions.
Majority of humans are still not aware, what is really happening around them. They are living their lives without any awareness of being controlled and used. This Matrix is rotten to the core, and Evil is not going to surrender peacefully. Ashtar Command is constantly cleaning Earth from negative outworlders. They are forbidden to return here. Full transition is going to occur, when you reach a required level of vibrations. It’s extremely important for everyone to stay in positive high thoughts.
Please, let go of any expectations, just follow daily flow and trust Divine Plan. Humanity has been divided purposely into many nations to avoid unification. Please, stop being critical of each other. Everyone is your brother or sister as we all are one. You carry a Divine Essence within yourself. Please, remember that each soul came here to help to enlighten Mother Gaia. It’s time to focus on your mission of saving this planet.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light, and we are protecting you in the sky, so you do same job on the ground. Together we can save Earth from Evil. Thank you Universal Channel.
Never forget you are Light Warriors.
The Galactic Federation of Light
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
The Galactic Federation of Light via Erena Velazquez | November 26, 2022
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/26/2022 10:21:00 PM