Submitted to Voyages of Light on November 12, 2022
Greetings Humankind,
I am ancient spirit of Big Owl from Hopi tribe coming through Universal Channel. Many moons passed since I communicated with humans. Different prophecies have been told about destiny of Mother Earth. Right now, you are going through last phase of purification. Some karmic attachments are still present in each of you. You can release them by taking daily time to be in meditative state.
Every soul, who agreed to come here, received warnings about the challenges awaiting during your mission on this planet. Now is the time to take a lead to move to New Earth. You were chosen from billions of beings to come here and to help to eliminate Darkness. I would like to remind everyone that you can create any reality you desire. Stop waiting for invisible forces to clear a road for you, it’s your responsibility to move forward and free yourself completely from this illusion. Stay away from toxic low frequencies.
Please, don’t expect that every human will be on the same page as you. Each soul will go through spiritual transformation, when it’s ready. Mother Earth waiting to unite with her in 5D. The ones, who spend lifetimes on fighting with Evil, are going to Ascend to high dimensional realms, and as a reward will visit City of Lights. Others need to spend more time on meditations. The planetary transformation can’t occur, unless a certain level of Collective Consciousness is reached. Divine Plan was created in order to speed up the process of Ascension on Mother Gaia.
Native Indian Spirits and I have been sending many blessings and healings. Be brave and take a next step in your evolution, this is a rare opportunity comes once in billions years. Thank you Universal Channel.
Follow Your Soul.
Big Owl
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Big Owl via Erena Velazquez | November 12, 2022
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/12/2022 10:37:00 PM