(Golden Age of Gaia)
Can you see the whole illusion playing itself out?
It has come to the surface in our politics, in our finance, in our medicine, and law, and education, etc.
Nothing is working anymore and the futile efforts to make up more and new rules for living, bears witness to the futility of “fixing” it.
Many comment how negative and out of touch the News is. How it makes them feel helpless and apprehensive.
In the old collective thought patterns humans love to scare themselves and it is very easy for you to become mesmerized.
But the News is so easy to fix.
Don’t watch it. Or when you do, always clear yourself of the shadow elements afterwards, even though you might think you are immune to the negativity..
I never read a paper and seldom watch the news. And when I do I see how inventive and preposterous it has all become.
My world is so full of possibilities. How about yours?
And if I observe with a sense of benign Smile I can always see signs of the New World consciousness peeping through in some peoples actions which speaks of the emergence of its Presence.
How informed do you need to be?
How much are you addicted to scaring yourself?
The quicker you let go of it all the quicker it will all crumble into nothing.
And in the meantime Love grows within and without. Stealthily, inexorably, eternally every which way.
Heart by Heart the Power of One becomes the THE ONE POWER.
Can’t you feel it?
Love On sweet friends.
I So Love You
Yes FOLKS………. we can actually choose what we want to think about and how we feel about it. It is called “Being in the Flow” …………. FREEDOM !!
The Illusion | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/12/2022 09:26:00 PM