Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Message from your Hostess of Light | October 2022


October 2022

From Your Hostess of Light:

As we move thru these very mammoth invisible energies we stand at the bend in the tunnel of love, not seeing a way out and not seeing a way in, we are frozen. We have so drained our body mind and spirit looking for a cure to what ails us, not finding anything but ice cream. Every day we are like a 1000 piece puzzle as we try to put out selves and lives back together again. Like a self-made virtual/ yet authentic avatar, we seek to find out what will make us braver and smarter and stronger. Like the movie groundhog day, we are going around and around in a time travel loop. We are however getting better at putting the pieces together, yet we still seek the cover picture to complete and compare our works. Like a determined chemist we look for the invisible lining between the seen and the unseen; searching the cosmos for the exact equation that will create a Cosmic Elixir for all to sip from.

Like a timeless frozen custard dna assembly found in a mammoth bone, the earth is able to hide what was once exposed and hazardous of nature. I was shown by the universe in many a real situation not to send anger or hate or try to destroy what was essentially a black hole of darkness that beckoned my light forward. Every day I pray for an active conscious cure for what ails us, a living magic potion for all the dis-ease that still haunts earth this Halloween.

The human mind is hungry for the sweetness of life, hungry for order, hungry for completion, hungry for checking off everything on the to do list. The brain needs to know that everything that has been nipping at its heels to do, has now come to a place of rest. Just like sleeping a mental rest allows one to renew their senses, to renew their rhythm with life. We are so serious as humans worrying about every little thing. this October timeline opens up an opportunity to learn to play; like two children playing ball in joy with no expectations, totally in the moment. Play involves a give and take. Give yourself the gift of play. Interact with the magic of life and watch the blessings flow.