By Catherine Viel, October 13, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
October 12, 2022
All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.
~ Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience (ca. 1849)

I have become one of those people who doesn’t obey. And I’m not even stealthy about it.
Nor am I trying to be offensive. I’m simply realizing that I really do know what I want and need. What I wish to have present in my life. What elements in the circle of my world I wish to expand and grow.
Anything that does not fit my diamond-clear personal narrative has no place with me.

The physical health realm is my Achilles’ heel. It’s still far too easy to succumb to programming and listen uncritically to advice from my so-called health care team. Since I believe they’re following directives from insurance companies, liability lawyers, and other money-making entities, I remind myself to use my circumspection muscle and keep the blind faith on a tight leash.
When I was growing up in the 60s, our family didn’t have health insurance. If one of us kids got really sick or had an injury requiring more than a Band-Aid, someone put us in the seatbelt-less family sedan and made the arduous trek from Lafayette to the doctor in Oakland.
My first recollection of having personal health insurance was when I enrolled in Chico State. There was some university-sponsored health plan that all students had to join.
And ever since, it’s mostly been one kind of insurance coverage after another, because we’re told that everyone needs health insurance. However, when I was barred from coverage because they said I had a “condition” that might someday require treatment (i.e., cost them money), I had no insurance at all.
Other than the vague underlying thought that something could occur and I’d have no way to pay for care, I didn’t worry overmuch, and enjoyed freedom from medical nagging. No annual exams, no mammograms or Pap smears. I sauntered through life, happily unaware that something could be “wrong“ with me.
I’m wondering why I have allowed myself to be sucked back into the system simply because I have insurance. Programming and medical nagging overcame common sense, and I bought into the annual-exam-and-testing whirligig once again.

I’m finding it quite agreeable these days to accept that I create myself and I create my life. What I focus on does come to pass.
I want to focus on joy. Self-care. Loving myself. Approving of myself. All those snort-worthy affirmations I used to roll my eyes at.
I am no longer the cynical person I often was, in years gone by. I believe cynicism is based in fear. I’m not interested in feeding fear in any of its forms, including the ones disguised as cleverness.
Instead, I can look to today’s Note from the Universe for guidance.
“You don’t have to take everything so seriously, Catherine.
Life isn’t black and white, answers aren’t always yes or no, and absolutely nothing has to happen today.
Act when you’re ready. Be led by your feelings. And the next time someone wants to fit you into a box, just tell ’em that your jeans are in the wash, your angels are at the mall…
Fuzzy as dice,
The Universe” (1)

(1) The Universe Talks, TUT.com
Civilly Disobedient | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/13/2022 09:19:00 PM