Monday, October 31, 2022

A Beautiful Climbing up into Higher Experiences | Prageet Quotes

A Beautiful Climbing Up into Higher Experiences

So what Alcazar is guiding us into is being more in the moment and more aware of what you're thinking and feeling. Because that's creating more experiences in your life. The more you raise your vibration, the higher you're vibrating, the higher vibrational influences come into your life. And so, it becomes a beautiful climbing up into higher and higher experiences. In these gatherings with the Stargate, we bring in a very high energy field. And the first reason for that is it gives you a taste of what it's like to be vibrating at a high level. And it's a reminder of something that you know deep inside from your ancient past.


Towards the 13th Dimension

Full Session 1 - Audio 102 - 2022