Your Vision Changes What It Sees | Heavenletters
SEP 3 2022
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Clear vision is My vision. Anything less is unclear. Think a moment. What does that say to you?
My vision is innocent. That is how it is clear. True, of course, I am All-Knowing, but it is with innocence that I know all. If I were not innocent, I would scrutinize My children and find fault the same way you do and stay on the surface and speculate on everything the way you do. But fortunately I am innocent, and I see innocence. That is how it works. I am Innocence, and, therefore, I see innocence. Therefore, I see clearly.
Beneath your layers, you are innocent. Beneath your layers, you are all-knowing. Beneath your ignorance, you know truth. It’s just that you don’t believe yourself. The world gives so much credence to untruth, that you feel lost with yourself, and you look askance at what you know.
Truth in the world is often fashion and not truth.
But all the other people in the world also know deep down within themselves what is true and what is glamour.
Dare to know what you know.
Your heart is the knower. Not your mind. Help your mind to follow your heart to truth. You wonder what difference that makes, but the difference is a sigh of relief. Your mind has put you under strain. I release you from that strain. Settle your mind, and grow with your heart.
Your heart is the true explorer.
Your mind is a relentless tracker. It goes off the main road.
Your heart stays on its path.
Your mind gets caught up in traffic.
Your heart doesn’t get caught up. It frees itself.
If you woke up tomorrow and had lost all formality, all recollection of acquired knowledge, all prescribed thinking, your eyes would open innocent and you would, for the first time in a long time, see what there is to see. You would see colors as if for the first time. You would hear sound as if for the first time. You would feel warmth and cool, breezes and stillness. You would have new eyes because you would have been unburdened of past accumulation of impressions, impressions impressed upon you, not initiated by you. But now in innocence you would be the initiator of all you saw and all that came before you, and all that came before you would be changed by your new vision.
Your vision would be changed because you would have unloaded its camera of past pictures taken.
And, furthermore, your camera would never hold anything again. Each day would be anew. No backlog. That is innocence.
Today your eyes are clearer because I have been clearing them for you. Feel your new clarity. Feel how I have removed past film from you. Feel your eagerness to see anew and to no longer see the old. The old used to rule you, and now it has been vanquished. It has been relegated to its rightful place which means it has been erased. The past was not indelible; it was not meant to stay. The past was a temporary thing. It was meant to go down with the sunset or perhaps thrown into a hamper. Perhaps you have hung the past on the line, but now it has to be taken down. The past has to vanish, or it interferes with the present.
Let go of the past, and your fatigue will go. Your weariness will go. Your overweight will go. All that has been accumulated will go.
Trade in the past for the new. Today is present, and today is new, and today you, through My grace, are also new. Welcome yourself, and be what you are.
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Your Vision Changes What it Sees | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/03/2022 09:55:00 PM