Looking good!
By Steve Beckow, September 14, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
As long as we vibrate at a Third/Fourth-Dimensional level, we seem to follow a general strategy of seeking pleasure and avoiding pain.
To achieve the maximum pleasure possible, we also seem to follow a number of tactics. They include being strong, looking good, and being right.
Being strong is followed by people who believe that happiness is won through strength, that might makes right, that history is written by the victors, etc. They will decide the issue by force if they can’t get what they want in other ways.
Looking good is followed by people born into a social setting where allurement, attractiveness, and symmetry are valued. One is here the focal point of gaze, an object of admiration, the receiver of attention, etc.
Being right capitalizes on the whole notion that our societies are founded in law and that being right decides most cases.
If we were to observe us from a higher-dimensional viewpoint, we’d see people endlessly seeking pleasure and happiness by looking to get them from external objects, whether people or things, and resorting to these tactics to get them.
People would be following each other towards an eternally-unattainable goal (getting happiness and love from another) in a circle around the axis of a life lived for pleasure.
The tactics work to achieve their end only to a very limited degree. They do bring pleasure and happiness but not a hundredth of the pleasure and happiness that the divine states bring.
The difference between a feeling and a divine state, apart from the latter being a hundred times more powerful than the former, is that a feeling is experienced as happening inside of us whereas a divine state is experienced as something we’re immersed in.
We are bathed in bliss, swept away by love, immersed in joy.
However we call both feeling and divine state by the same name, such as “love” or “happiness.” So it gets confusing.
All three of these tactics are insufficiently powerful to launch us into “love” or “happiness” as a divine state. At their best they’re like a sip of water in a torrid desert. They aren’t enough.
So we end up going in circles, amassing awards for lifetime service, glowing editorials, or wealth but feeling empty and hollow inside. Around and around we go: All of it to hide and “pass.” (1)
We end up feeling empty and hollow even though we contain within ourselves the fountain of eternal love. But the Sign, the Ring of Fire, the Wave of Love should fix all that. (2)
The Sign or Wave of Love will open our hearts and provide a portal through which we can share in the experience of a love beyond our imagination.
Once again, braving into the field of predictions, with a perfect record of zero successes, I predict (drum roll) this event will leave us immersed in the Tsunami of Love or the Ocean of Love (Fifth or Seventh Dimensions).
And I further predict that you will say, “So THIS is what Steve was talking about!”
And I will giggle, clap my hands, and dance around like a mad man.
(1) To pass is to construct and manage an impression of ourselves designed to keep us safe from criticism, ridicule, or danger and then to use it with successful results. Example: I passed by listening instead of speaking when I found myself among a group of geologists.
(2) “[The Sign or Event] will carry an Energy of such upliftment to the soul. There shall be rejoicing. …
“Due to so many of you ‘finding Joy’ and letting go of the mumbo jumbo that has been filling your heads at times … as we have said … [and] because of your intelligent decisions not to fall for the confusions purposefully presented … the next phase will be able to be pushed forward. …
“FEEL the time when this WAVE OF LOVE sweeps over your Planet through your Beings and changes the way things are, forever.” (The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild,” April 27, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/08/27/the-federation-of-light-via-blossom-goodchild-aug-27-2022/.)
Our Tactics to Get Pleasure and Avoid Pain | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/14/2022 08:27:00 PM