Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Higher Consciousness is your Birthright | Alcazar Quotes

Higher Consciousness Is Your Birthright

The Stargate is an evolutionary construct. Yet to call it a construct is not truly correct, for it is a consciousness. And yet understand, Beloveds, it is a delivery system for higher consciousness. It delivers that which is already yours to you, through you. And each and every one of you here gathered, you are amplifying the potential for this Stargate grid system to deliver a new energy to the planet. And so these days together, be very present. For as you draw forth a template for your own higher consciousness, individuals who have never and will never hear about any of this 'woo woo' Stargate channeling, those who will not even touch it with a ten foot pole, have the potential of effortlessly touching higher consciousness, because higher consciousness is not new age. 'Tis your birthright. It is your birthright to enter fully into who you truly are.

- Alcazar

Renewal, Stargate Global Gathering, Slovenia, Sept. 2022

Day 1 - Session 2