By Steve Beckow, September 3, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Never have we had so many glimpses into divine processes as this generation has from channeled sources.
I’m amazed at this next conversation with Michael where he reveals how minutely the Company of Heaven works with lightworkers to encourage, tone things down, measure their maturity, and so on.
And, in passing, he drops the lofty spiritual truth: “Your ultimate enlightenment is the reabsorption into the Mother.” What a jewel that statement is: from One who knows.
Where else could we get this information? I’ll be ruminating over it and getting deeper and deeper insights for years.
He also discussed how the rules and beliefs relating to enlightenment have changed over the centuries. We’re talking to someone who can modify the human enlightenment process.
“AAM on Truncated Experiences,” July 26, 2022, at
https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/07/26/aam-on-truncated-experiences-repost/; from Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 10, 2017.
Steve Beckow: Now, when an experience is truncated how am I to look upon it? That you wish me to write about it as far as I have experienced it? … That you don’t want us to be fully ascended because we will stop serving the Mother in this particular regard if we do? …
Archangel Michael: What you have seen is that you have been given bite-sized pieces of energy, of energy bumps, of input of what you can digest and handle and truly bring to fruition. If you are in the process of expansion, you don’t go from Grade 3 to a PhD in a week.
And so there are pivotal markers along the way of important seminal information. You call it information, but it is energy. It is attunements. It is upgrades. It is expansion. It is wisdom. It is all of these things, all wrapped up in Love.
If you say, at the very beginning, “You are worthy. You are whole. You are capable of creating Nova Earth” and the person is lying on the floor bleeding because they have been used and abused by their parents who have been beating them since the day they are born, they are not going to believe you.
There is a process of expansion and acceptance and learning and coming to truly value and love oneself and thereby others. So you have been learning the process as you go.
And the spiritual level of maturity to accept the process… Because we know that there have been many tantrums along the way [true].
Now those tantrums do not upset us but we simply see them as markers about where someone is in their willingness and ability to process the old, to let go of the old and to welcome the expansion of the new.
And if those old vasanas, those old core issues, those old feelings of lack are not healed, then there has not been the readiness for the next step. So that is why it is being truncated.
Steve: I come at it from a different angle and say, “it’s enlightenment itself that is going to heal all the old wounds, etc. etc.” but that’s not necessarily true, is it? (1)
AAM: No. And it is not the paradigm or the pattern that has been in unfoldment for this collective and this planet. Don’t forget. What you are doing is setting the pattern for so many.
So if you say this to the Mother – and you have – “Give us [full] enlightenment tomorrow” and then the domino effect of course is enlightenment throughout the Omniverse, then we are back to Square One and we just start over again.
Steve: Wait a minute, I didn’t understand what you just said. If I say, “Give me enlightenment tomorrow.” … Say I become suddenly patient; then it reverberates throughout the universe and we are back to Square One? What did I miss?
AAM: Your ultimate enlightenment is the reabsorption into the Mother…. (2)
Steve: Yes… Back to Square One! I see. And the whole plan just gets shelved, so to speak, for me. Okay, alright, I got it. So there is no escaping this special time. This is not like somebody seeking enlightenment in the 17th century?
AAM: It is entirely different.
Steve: Could you talk about that a bit because I think readers would want to hear what you have to say on the difference between the old quest for enlightenment and what purposes enlightenment serves at this moment.
AAM: Think of it in this way. In the 8th century, in the 2nd century, in the 17th century, in every environment what you have been carrying is also the paradigm of that time and place and culture etc.
In the 17th century, and even until really quite recently, the belief was, based on those very entrenched paradigms of control and penance and worthiness, that you had to really work at it, work at it, work at it, earn it and that it was hard.
And the level of commitment was total.
And often that meant in many ways, a divorcing or an absenting of oneself from society, from structures, from everything but your path.
Now what you have done is you have evolved. Do not forget there have been many lifetimes in between and many visits home, I would say.
You have reached the point where you are realizing, and we are asking you by the way, that we don’t want you to feel burdened and working, working, working, but rather in the joy, in the love, in the bliss, claiming, embodying your birthright.
In the 17th century, it was about escape. Right now it is about being present.
So what you are working on, or towards, or inhabiting, is very different and therefore the rules of engagement have shifted and evolved.
Steve: And again, this is all happening at the archangelic level, is it – this shifting of the rules or application of the rules. Is that correct?
AAM: Yes, that is correct.
(1) Only Ascension, Vijnana, Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi is powerful enough to burn the vasanas or seeds of future action to a crisp. Thus a person who has experienced seventh-chakra Brahmajnana or God-Realization is in effect still only halfway up the mountain. Their vasanas still exist.
(2) We all know what he just said but it’s priceless to a cross-cultural spiritual scholar to have him say it.
Archangel Michael on the Process of Lightworker Expansion and Learning | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/03/2022 10:08:00 PM