(Golden Age of Gaia)
Judith Kusel
The Divine Feminine set free!
As I went through an intense flu since Thursday last week, this was a deeper purging, and this was confirmed by my dear friend Corrie, who is a healer. It literally felt like a harness, some kind of cage-like structure which was enveloping me.
I did a lot of cleansing and clearing, again going deeper and deeper, and thus also looking for the root of this, and why it was there, but at the same time, as I always do, looking where this was reflected in humanity, as I often not only do the clearing for myself, but for the rest of humanity – as we all do, at some level.
Then, I was shown the following:
I was shown how the Divine Feminine was literally caged, especially around the heart area, throat and third eye, which was most feared within her: Her own immense intuitive powers, the heart centered and feeling center which is so powerful, and when filled with the Power of Love, is truly invincible, plus her ability to express her powers, through the use of Words/Sound of Power, which the Divine Feminine holds, with the All Seeing Eye, the Single Eye. Thus, Patriarchy was trying to cage her, to shut down her power base and more than this, to make out of her a second class citizen, subjected to man. In other words, he did not wish to have her as an equal – but at heel, where he could dictate what she should do, look like and be like.
Then I was shown, the generations of women, (and men who still held the feminine within them), suffered the consequences of this, so often not even able to express their powers, and when they did, they were severely persecuted, mostly stoned to death, or burnt alive, or ridiculed and branded, and indeed enslaved. I saw the tears, the anger, the bitterness, the endless struggle to keep all together, for during wars, she was raped, she was abused, when she was at her most vulnerable, as men vented their anger upon her and into her most sacred area.
Yes, now the Divine Feminine has returned, and with it is freeing humanity, as the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, now return to balance and harmony.
I now saw clearly how the cages, the harness, was being removed, not only from me, but from the rest of humanity! As this was removed it was put into the Violet Flame, the Diamond Fire, the Lilac Fire and then the Golden Rainbow Fires, for transmutation into the purest God force Light, Love and Wisdom.
This was so profound that I just felt myself lifted and filled with so much Divine Omnipresence and Omnipotent, that I was deeply moved.
This is happening to all of us at this very moment:
We have been freed from the cage, but many of us, still fear stepping out of it, and into the New Earth, because of the false comfort zones, we experienced when we were still imprisoned and encaged. It is almost as if we have become so used to the pain and suffering, and having others think for us, and dictate to us how our lives should be like, and to conform to society, to be part of the sheep who blindly follow, and then of course, the fear and fear mongering and the divisions, the separations, the old military tactics of divide and conquer.
We need to now leave that cage behind us forever.
The Divine Feminine is freed and we free ourselves from that cage forever, through true forgiveness and loving grace, and more than this, through finally leaving all the baggage in the cage and then choose to let us take off the old prison garments, and allow ourselves to be purified, even as we are being transfigured into the New Lightbody form, and reborn into the New Earth.
Of course you can choose to stay in the cage and to keep on doing and believing and allowing the fears to render you inert.
The choice is yours.
There comes a time in the life of a mighty eagle, when she sits himself down, because she has grown weary, and then does not eat nor drink, and pulls out her feathers one by one. It seems as if the eagle has lost her will to live, then stepping into the spring and opening her beak, as if to drown himself. But then, a miracle happens: The eagle, with her last will and strength, pulls herself out of the water and onto the grass, and starts eating again: first grass, then mice etc. and then one day: – The eagle stretches her mighty wings, and then starts soaring and flying, higher and stronger than ever before!
Let us be like the eagle, and let us be reborn in all aspects and formù thereof as we are freed to step into unity and harmony, and Oneness in the New Golden Age!
This is a totally new beginning and it is up to you to claim your freedom, once and for all, or not.
The Divine Feminine has freed us all.
She has returned to teach us the Power of Freedom, to stretch our wings and soar and fly higher and higher into the fifth to seventh dimensional state, and to know that with each stretching and soaring, we are elevated into a totally new life and new beginnings in all forms and expressions this brings!
The Power of Divine Love is the wind beneath our wings, which lifts us ever higher!
The Divine Feminine is reminding all of us, that she has set us free: –
The eagle is not caged anymore – but free to fly higher and higher.
The Divine Feminine is Set Free | Judith Kusel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/26/2022 10:14:00 PM