(Golden Age of Gaia)
When I say “Shine On” it is not just an idle catch phrase.
Your Loving is now clearly showing.
Just as you will have noticed new radiance from our Sun, and an “overlight” surrounding the Earth and emanating through the ground up. So too your light is becoming visible.
After all the releasing you have done over the past years, it is time to fully acknowledge your radiance and let it Shine.
Everyone is beginning to sense this LIGHT even if they cannot see it or fully consciously acknowledge its Presence.
The Great Waves of Consciousness from the Central Sun through our own Sun are raising and blending this light to new heights and your acknowledgement of this LIGHT WITHIN YOU, through your Love, accelerates in your cells and your Glow day by day.
Science knows well now that when the DNA is “Happy” it unwinds and emits photonic light. When you are happy and “at Home with yourself, centered in your Heart your DNA Sings.
And so there is now a clarion call within you to totally accept your Radiance and to let it Shine, especially in the “market place”.
Let everyone feel your radiance, no more place for protection and hiding. And see the light in everyone and give them the space in your heart to receive the resonating call of their own Radiance.
Shine On Radiant Beings.
Shining is What You Truly ARE.
I So Love You
PS When you are in your Heart, something extra and strong emerges. Perhaps it is like you can feel the change but as yet do not believe it clearly enough for the ‘eyes’ to see it. It is holographic and you are learning to see the New at multiple angles which as yet are not registering in your conscious perception apart from glimpses. The only way to go is to let go and be open to all the possibilities you feel and sense without your “mind filter”, without any description or judgement of worth. It is subtle, subliminal, deep and expansive, and Soul Being You KNOWS THIS.
Simply Being “AT HOME” and with a JOY in your step.
Shine on | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/02/2022 11:03:00 PM