Bummer. It’s my heart again….
By Steve Beckow, August 30, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I’m told that this deadline may be extended if an election is contested.
As we approach the Sept. 2 deadline for election items to be destroyed, the stakes are rising.
But they’re rising for all of us, aren’t they? Food sources under attack. Financial system imploding. Travel difficult. Governments the problem. And the elites behind them, whom Tom Hanks characterized as “everywhere.”
Fear mounts and then I remember: Trust the Plan.
We have the Q Alliance (Earth Alliance, white hats) backed by intergalactic federations (the Galactic Federation of Light, the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies, and probably more), backed by the Company of Heaven and fronted by a legion of angels (us). (1)
That’s a hell of a roster.
And all the while, behind the scenes and directing events, the Mother has a Divine Plan for how it will go. (2) That Plan can be summarized in one word: Love.
Those that love are ascending; those that have set their face against love remain essentially where they are. It’s simply a matter of vibration.
The dark forces, all the way from off-planet reptilians to Gaian footsoldiers, I believe, will find themselves with increasing medical problems, feeling that life has no purpose, finding it increasingly difficult to breathe. Fatigue sets in. Reaction times increase. Their guard is let down.
Have we an analogous situation that would help us see how it may become for the dark as the vibrations rise?
Yes, their situation, I suggest, may be analogous to travellers in the afterlife who attempt to go to higher realms than their level of evolution allows them.
Earth, with its diverging timelines, becoming less hospitable to the dark Ones is similar to a higher realm proving inhospitable to a traveler venturing “upwards” on the inner planes. (3) Let’s look at what these afterlife communicators have to say.
In his post-mortem memoirs, T.E. Lawrence – Lawrence of Arabia – tells us:
“Should a man try to live in that rarified spiritual air [of a higher plane than Lawrence occupies] who carried still in his being the uncleansed stains of earth, his sufferings would be terrible, as intense as the joy of which he would be capable when he is cleansed of them.” (4)
What sufferings? Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson gives us more detail:
“To pass from this realm where I live to the next higher, I shall find myself walking along gently rising ground. As I proceed I shall see all the unmistakable signs – and feel them – of a realm of greater spiritual refinement. There will eventually come a point in my walking when I can go no further because I shall feel most uncomfortable spiritually.
“If I should be foolish enough to try to defy these feelings, I should, at length, find that I was completely unable to venture a foot forward without undergoing sensations which I could not possibly bear.
“I should not be able to see anything before me, only that which lay behind me. But whether we are standing at one of the boundaries, or whether we are well within the confines of our own realm, there comes a certain line in the bridge between the realms where the higher realm becomes invisible to less spiritual eyes.
“Just as certain light rays are invisible to earthly eyes, and certain musical sounds are inaudible to earthly ears, so are the higher realms invisible to the inhabitants of the lower realms.
“And the reason is that each realm possesses a higher vibrational rate than that below it and is therefore invisible and inaudible to those who live below it. Thus we can see that another natural law operates for our own good.” (5)
Mother Florence mentions what is to her unbearably-intense light: “I do not believe that I could stand, for long, the intense Light and Glory of these Higher Planes. My soul is not yet strong enough.” (6)
Mike Swain notes the same feature:
“The worlds above us are even richer in light and happiness. If I go up there (and I can) I find it too bright; the light hurts my eyes. And the vibrations are so refined that I can’t respond to them! So I reverse gear and return to this world – which suits me just fine!
“The planes below this one are denser, dimmer planes. If I go down to them, it becomes murkier and murkier until it is so creepy that I scoot back to where I belong!” (7)
Harry Dodd reported that, if one attempts to go higher, one can end up in a dreamy state, having lost consciousness:
“One cannot rise much higher because one loses consciousness. Accompanied by someone of greater development, one can go farther afield; but, if one goes much higher than one’s own awareness, a dreamy state comes on and nothing registers clearly. I was taken traveling in this way so that I would understand it.
“One’s awareness grows as one develops – quite naturally as a child becomes an adult in time. One grows mentally and spiritually.” (8)
I think I’ve cited enough examples (and I could go on) to suggest that, if the vibrations rise too high for us, burdened with vasanas (core issues) and attachments as we may be, we meet with so much discomfort that we might wish to “beat a hasty retreat.”
Now apply this to the situation of the dark Ones. As the vibrations go higher, their refusal to accept love probably brings on for them symptoms similar or equivalent to what our afterlife correspondents describe.
In addition, the dark are going to find themselves increasingly fatigued, unable to concentrate, with heart and breathing complications, as time goes on. Eventually they’ll choose to leave and that wish will be accommodated.
It’s my understanding that the round of life/afterlife for the dark Ones will remain much the same. They’ll go where dark Ones have always gone (the Dark Planes) (9) and reincarnate on other Third-Dimensional worlds. (10)
It’s the ascending Ones who will enter a new space under new rules. (11)
Another way of seeing their situation is to imagine that the lives of the dark Ones today are being upset by our gradual Ascension in much the same way that a small boat would be upset by the backwash of a larger one.
Always keep in mind that no nuclear weapon can be exploded in space and that no false-flag operation on the scale of 9/11 will be allowed by our galactic and celestial protectors.
So, yes, the dark has weapons. But the galactics and celestials are empowered to stop, neutralize or mitigate them, as they’ve done with many nuclear missiles, the virus(es) and vaccine(s), and even tsunamis.
I think that, in direct proportion to the rise of love/light on Planet Earth, the dark Ones in the future will leave by any available means I’m seeing a human body drying up until it breaks down and turns to dust.
As Matthew Ward once remarked, it’s physics. Ascension depends on the amount of love assimilated. That’s the travel ticket. (12)
A refusal to love is a refusal, at the end on an age, to accept the offered gift of Buddhahood, nirvana, moksha, liberation from birth and death. But it’s also a choice that’s accepted.
(1) See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/An-Explosion-in-the-Meaning-of-Humanness-4.pd
(2) See Toward a World That Works for Everyone at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Toward-a-World-That-Works-for-Everyone-2.pdf
(3) “Inner” because we reach them, while incarnated, through the heart.
(4) T.E. Lawrence through Jane Sherwood, medium, Post-Mortem Journal. Communications from T.E. Lawrence. London: Spearman, 1964 , 86.
(5) Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson through Anthony Borgia, medium, Life in the World Unseen. M.A.P., 1993, 132-3.
(6) Mother Florence in Helen Graves, Testimony of Light. London: Churches Fellowship for Psychical & Spiritual Studies, 1975; c1969, 113.
(7) Mike Swain in Jasper Swain, From My World to Yours: A Young Man’s Account of the Afterlife. New York: Walker, 1977, 24.
(8) Harry Dodd in Paul Beard, Living On. How Consciousness Continues and Evolves After Death. New York: Continuum, 1981, 128.
(9) Steve: What about for the people who say “no”? Will they remain on this 3D Earth, or will they find themselves somewhere else? …
Archangel Michael: They will return home. They will return out of body.
Steve: To the astral planes?
Archangel Michael: Yes. And they will be counseled and then reassigned [to another planet], as they choose. …
Steve: What will happen to this Earth, 3D Earth, that they cannot stay? Is that what you meant, Lord?
AAM: Yes, that is what I mean. Understand, 3D Earth is not existing. (Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, Reading with Steve Beckow, Aug. 17, 2012.)
(10) See “The Astral Plane – The Dark Plane,” at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=The_Astral_Plane_%E2%80%93_The_Dark_Plane
(11) The rules of astral travel were changed with this Ascension. Once ascended now, we’ll be able to visit other dimensions. St. Germaine explains:
“You see all the rules have changed. You have decided to maintain form. That doesn’t mean we’re going to have you punished by not allowing you access to the 7th.
“That is the old paradigm. ‘You can’t come here, unless you die.’ Well, that’s not true! That’s what enlightenment and Ascension [are] about. You can go as far [as you like?]. You can go and feel and be the Love that is the 7th Christ consciousness. You can have it all and then you pull it into your physical form so that you are a walking, talking, working, creating Christ-conscious Being.” (“Transcript: Heavenly Blessings – St. Germaine on Where to Look for Results,” channeled by Linda Dillon, July 15, 2014, at http://goo.gl/OxNpnG.)
(12) “Earth is nearing vibratory levels where the light is so intense that all who have refused the light – the ones we speak of as dark simply to indicate their lack of light – will die. That may sound unduly harsh, but it is not a matter of some ‘divine’ judgment or punishment – it is simply the physics governing life in this universe that bodies bereft of light cannot survive in those higher vibrations. In short, all those who have been causing fearful conditions will be disappearing.” (Matthew’s Message, April 23, 2011., at https://www.matthewbooks.com.)
“Your ‘travel ticket’ is the absorption of light that comes automatically with living in godly ways.” (Matthew’s Message, Dec. 21, 2008.)
How will it be for the Dark? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/31/2022 03:11:00 AM