Submitted to Voyages of Light on June 4, 2022
My Beloved Children,
I am Father, Prime Creator, here today to bring to your attention about global situation on MotherEarth. Your planet has been sustaining 3D and 5D versions for two years already. You are approaching a crucial moment in the history of humankind, where it’s needed to make a decision about survival and transition to higher dimensions.
Now is the time to take your destiny in your hands and stop waiting for Galactics to come and rescue you. They are not going to arrive to 3D reality. When you move to 5D, then the Galactic Federation of Light will land and assist you with building a new society.
The asleep ones will continue their existence on another low vibrational planet. In order to transit to New Earth, everything what represents the Matrix needs to be left behind. Many civilizations find your planet not safe to visit. They don’t want to interact with your Elite, who stopped superficially the advancement of own civilization.
You have been given a free will to make your own decisions, instead you got brainwashed and let Evil to take over your planet. For two years since my first message, I have been diligently observing humankind and watching your progress toward Ascension. I was routing for a bigger number of awaken ones, so far only a small percentage of population is awaken. They will move to 5D in proper Divine timing. The rest will continue their journey in 3D.
The Alliance needs step into the daylight to do the real work by removing and cleaning Khazarian Mafia and other unfriendly entities. Same goes for the Elderly and Light groups, please, start to fulfill your missions. Mother Earth together with Animal Kingdom and Nature suffered enough. There were spilled rivers of blood and killed billions of people during a long and painful history. All of you volunteered and came here to save this world. This is your chance to step in and change your negative reality into a positive one.
The Galactics have been neutralizing your nuclear missiles for decades. The truth is reported by real reporters about the conflict in Ukraine. Ukrainian government has been killing thousands of innocent civilians including little children for years, so their Evil souls are going to be striped from the right to be reborn ever again. Please, wake up American people, if you don’t act soon enough, you will loose own country. The corrupted officials are playing very dangerous game, which could lead to the World War.
When you lift the sword against others, you are going to fall from own sword. My Beloved Children, you can’t be anymore passive and wait to be rescued. Your priorities need to be daily meditations solo or group to help to raise the Collective Consciousness.
You are multidimensional beings and have enough power within yourselves to transform this reality to 5D. This is the time to take the power into your hands. The Evil is not going surrender, unless you take them down. Thank you Universal Channel.
Please, receive my Love and Blessings.
We are All One Universal Consciousness.
Prime Creator
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Prime Creator via Erena Velazquez | June 4, 2022
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/04/2022 11:50:00 PM