By Catherine Viel, March 4, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
March 3, 2022
The strange goose flying
north in southward September flies alone.
The sane bees create the leader they need.
But cattle and lemmings and men are odd animals
ready with widening nostrils and crazing eyes
to follow their mad ones over any cliff.
~John Russell McCarthy, Each to His Choice

Since I have stepped back from hovering over “news,“ I only have a vague impression of what’s going on out there. The upheavals I’ve noted seem to point toward revelation-creep. A snippet here and a factoid there that do not get censored into oblivion.
Even that venerable bastion of fact-checked mainstream regurgitation, The New York Times, had this alt-newsy headline during February, 2022: “The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects.”(1)
It’s a far cry from the mea culpa that I’ve been jonesing for, but it’s a wedge.

In the department of making lemonade from Covid lemons, one change in my personal realm is, in hindsight, a step toward the better.
The ophthalmologist a family member has been seeing for decades has just lost us, victims to Covid hysteria syndrome. With a large dollop of physician-as-God syndrome thrown in.
The automated appointment reminder call slipped in one little phrase that sounded the knell of doom.
“All patients must show proof of vaccination.”
I’ve heard radio ads for concerts or other events that note, “Everyone must wear masks and show proof of vaccination.” Absurd, indeed, but going to a concert is not quite the same as a routine appointment with a medical provider—one who’s supposed to have patients’ health in mind, and patients’ autonomy as well.
I knew that this physician had demanded that all of his staff get vaccinated last year (horrifying in its own way—that’s another story). But isn’t it a tiny bit dictatorial to insist that all his patients take an experimental, unapproved, and demonstrably inefficacious (non)vaccine?
Even if he magnanimously made an exception and allowed we-the-noncompliant into his hallowed troll cave, I no longer trust this man to have his patients’ best interests at heart. Who knows what might be next?
Don’t have your flu shot / shingles vaccine / other CDC-recommended poison concoction? Well, you’d better get it before you come in for your appointment…

I didn’t for a minute believe that every eye doctor in town was going to issue an overreaching patients-must-be-vaccinated decree. Oh, sure, Santa Barbara–area hospitals require visitors to be vaccinated—maybe patients too, I don’t know—but surely mandate madness hasn’t spread to every provider.
Just to be on the safe side, I called my eye doctor’s clinic. I explained what had happened with the other doctor and said, do you require all patients to be vaccinated?
After an appreciable pause, the scheduler said slowly, “No…we all wear masks, though.“
I said, “That’s okay. The masks are temporary. The vaccine is permanent. In that case, I’d like to make an appointment for…“

One of the most surreal aspects of this doctor-patient power struggle is, it feels like the whole discussion will become obsolete shortly. A month, three months…since the CDC seems to be coughing up nuggets of its self-suppressed facts, it shouldn’t be long before the toxicity and ineffectiveness of the Covid vaccines become indisputable knowledge within the American populace.
I confess I’m looking forward to that day with bright-eyed anticipation. My sincere, though not very spiritual, hope is that the bureaucrats who’ve pushed the Covid agenda on hapless humanity wind up with enough egg on their faces to make an omelette big enough to feed the whole world.
It’s a visual that makes me grin just to imagine. I think that whatever levity I can glean will be necessary to keep my sanity, going forward…remembering the adage that laughter, after all, is the best medicine.

(1) I was unable to access the New York Times article because of the pay wall. This is what the New York Post had to say (Emily Crane, “CDC withholding COVID data over fears of misinterpretation,” 2/22/22):
“The CDC has admitted it is withholding large portions of COVID-19 data—including on vaccine boosters—from the public because it fears the information could be misinterpreted.
The leading public health agency has only published a small sample of the data it has been collecting—despite being two years into the pandemic, sources told the New York Times.”
Proof of Sanity Required | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/05/2022 12:35:00 AM