Call a Truce | Heavenletters
MAR 4 2022
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
The opposite of surrender is resistance. Resistance is control. Resistance comes from the idea that you must banish elements from your life; therefore, that you must judge what must be banished and what may be allowed to enter, perhaps to stay.
You are not a doorkeeper of life. You do not know what to keep out. You do not, therefore, know what to let in.
Be lusty in living life. Embrace life. Do not separate it. Do not sort out beforehand or afterhand. Embrace the up’s and down’s. They are two sides of the same life.
Be like water that flows. What does a flowing stream have to fear? It washes whatever enters it.
Now, surrender does not mean submission. You do not submit yourself to another’s will nor do you spend time on what you do not want to. You do not submit to life or to another. Surrender is not submission.
Surrender is a light embrace. When you surrender, you are balanced on your feet and do not topple over. Surrender is not toppling over.
Surrender is gracious. Be a gracious host or hostess to everything that enters your life. Look it in the eye, give it My blessing, but invite to stay only what you wish to stay. Keep nothing out.
Your heart gives a party. It is an open house. People and events come and go at your open house. That does not mean you invite all to your party. It does not mean either that you banish who and what may come. You address them. You give them comfort and then send them on their way. Unless your way is their way, they will take leave of their own accord because like wants to be with like. It is not true that opposites attract.
What you struggle against, you call to you. Your fears call it to you.
Call a truce. Peaceful coexistence. Truce means truth.
You are a rippling stream. You wash over stones. You flow and catch the sunlight. And you reflect it.
Keep your eye on the sunlight. Your sight calls it to you. Drop off fears on the shore. Fears do not belong to you. They don’t belong to anyone. They are jetsam and flotsam. They fall away because they cannot handle a beautiful flowing stream like you.
You bounce along, and what cannot stay with you cannot stay.
Only light craft can stay with you. Only what surrenders to your stream can accompany you. Heaviness will have to stay behind.
But shining fish will swim with you. Leaping fish will call attention to the sparkle of sunlight on you. And miniscule cells of light that you cannot even see will flow with you. And I will flow with you. We will flow across the universe together. Our sailing will be like flying. We will soar through the universe. We will alight on Heaven.
Will you soar with Me through the universe?
I will be with you whether you wish to accept Me or not. You do not have to come with Me, because I will stay with you no matter what you say or do or wish or want. My embrace holds you fast, but it does not tie you down. You are as free as a bird or a mountain stream with Me in tow.
I am the wake that follows you, and I am the horizon in front of you. I am the ship you sail. Whatever you say, your life has My name on it. I am the bottle of champagne you christen your life with. The name of your ship is God’s Blessings. Take Me to your heart, and know what I say is so.
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Call a Truce | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/05/2022 12:15:00 AM