January 7, 2022
God didn't move faster than the elderly and the children could move. Juan O Savin saying something about the old testament and a pillar and something else... 1-0-7 is saying we don't have the numbers yet. He's targeting 80+ percent. Ivo has said lower. Eighty-one percent have to be on board before we can go forward for the big wins.
People are asking why if they have had 3 jabbs they still can't go into a restaurant. Wakey wakey! Those people are seeing it's not a medical issue, it's a control issue.
Pill has been developed that has a microchip in it acting as your chip card. All you need to do is swallow it. Makes you wonder about the rest of the pills the doctor will be giving you, doesn't it?
Canada is taking political prisoners.
Canadian media companies took pre-election payoffs from Justin Trudeau.
Cirsten W was sick, went to a California hospital and is now dead. This is real folks. They're trying to knock off all of the people speaking out against them. So many of you won't follow me off Facebook and I have to rebuild most of my followership again thanks to Facebook censorship, and now I'm on bug out watch to prevent myself from becoming a political prisoner! All this I do and you guys still aren't getting the gravity of what's going on here.
In order to try to help you save your lives, I have to watch out for my own first.
They killed her! Don't go to the hospital, especially if you're a truther. It's suspected they shot her with DEWs and she ended up in the hospital with “covid.” So you know she's a goner. Last night she was given a 50/50 chance. She lost. Obviously someone murdered her in her sleep. They killed her. Robert David Steele was killed the same way. Wake up folks!
Hospitals are part of the Deep State. You can't trust them.
Cirsten worked with many people but I used to watch her with Gene Decode. She knew a lot about who was who in the Hollywood covens. I find it strange I took an interest in her just before she was murdered. Before I had seen her work but I wasn't a follower.
So far as far as I know, COBRA's partner Isis Astara was killed with DEWs a few years ago; A Sirian channeler and contactee whose name I forget was shot with DEWs but as far as I know he's still alive; now Robert David Steele and Cirsten W. This is war, folks. They are trying to kill the opposition, just like they do in other wars.
I've also been shot with DEWs but was protected by Ivo. That led to my health deteriorating over the last ten years.
If you've got your head in the sand trying to ignore all this, then they've got you where they want you.
RIP Cirsten, thank you for your hard work.
The aviation industry is crashing. Look at current plane spotting video's at LAX. There are no planes! This is what they want. They want America to crash. They want all to crash so they can implement their new system of global control. We can't allow this to happen. Already the QFS is activated and the economy is now based on the asset backed US dollar. Thank God.
The U.S. Army war College paper stated that Taiwan should rig their semi-conductor factories to blow in the event of a Chinese invasion. This could be a deterrent to a Chinese invasion because it's the chips that they're after with Taiwan, nothing else. They want the microchip technology and Taiwan is the world's biggest producer.
Me: Ashtar, why are they saying 81% down here? Ivo said 70% was okay.
Ashtar: There are different ideologies in play here. Your idea of what God wants is different from what God really wants. We would know that. This is about survival of a species for us, for you it's about that but it's also about keeping your numbers up so you can't be controlled.
Me: So the people on earth, the Alliance or whoever are thinking the more people we have on our side, the better.
Ashtar: Yes. The more power you have. You believe your power is in numbers, we know that that's not the case so a lower number is fine for us. The other thing to consider is that many of the people who will go forth in the 4D will not make it to 5D in this lifetime. They will have to repeat over and over perhaps and the opportunity to do that on earth will be limited by earth's movement to 5D. If they cannot make it then they will have to go to another planet of their frequency and continue there.
Me: So earth's souls will be spread all over the galaxy?
Ashtar: Yes, quite possibly. This is fine because you are all of the One, and movement from star to star is quite possible and a good way of learning unity consciousness.
Me: I'm not sure of the numbers game that 107 keeps talking about. Why have a bunch of people who are not committed to winning this war involved when those who are really committed are the ones who should go forward?
Ashtar: It's about the diversity of human life, human experience and human capability, Sharon. You want to keep your diversity and this is done through having many people go forward in this.
Me: Well, like these guys were saying last night on Nino's video, some of us are so ready to move on, to take this world back and move on to 5D. It's hard for me to even live here anymore. I hate being surrounded by lies. I hate being surrounded by people who can never meet my needs because they're unaware. Like Ivo says, I'm one of them, but I can't be with my own tribe because I still seem to be needed here.
Ashtar: When the quorum is met, you can go. This won't be long. We are respecting earth's views on the numbers and keeping you behind.
Me: I don't talk to anybody because if I have to talk to one more person who still believes this is about a medical issue, so help me God! I just stay by myself because at least I know the truth. I like listening to some of the pundits because at least I feel I can relate to someone on this planet as distant as they may be. It's a really strange situation. Very strange.
Ashtar: We realize that. Many of you are in that situation. And yes, you did get our message last night. You are to found the official television channel of the Galactic Federation on earth.
Me: Yes, that's cool. So we'll be talking about GESARA law a lot. I also intuited that this TV station was in question for a while because the starseeds/ET believers didn't seem to be of one opinion on things like your involvement in earth's affairs, or landing, or disclosure. Now that COBRA issued that document that everyone signed and you got the number of signatures you needed, we can go ahead with the TV station.
Ashtar: Your collective response has been very muddled, Sharon.
Me: That's because we're complex beings, and that's because of mind control. Mind control has had far more influence on the collective's mindset than not. This makes a starseed excited about landings but also afraid of the changes this will bring about. I'm not afraid. If there's a ship, I'm running for it. But many people are on the fence. Yes, we are like that. Expecting clarity from an earthling, even a starseed is an unrealistic expectation at times.
Ashtar: We know. So we asked for the signatures and we got them. So now we can go forward.
Me: I see Gina Colvin Hill is seeing ships with even more clarity than she did before. They're in our atmosphere.
Ashtar: She will see them. She's always looking and that's her job with us. Part of disclosure.
Me: It's a pity about Cirsten W, isn't it?
Ashtar: She will be fine with us on our side. She will heal. She will continue to help you from this side, Sharon. People will channel her for more information, not the least of which will be Gene Decode. He is telepathic so he can contact her. She can inform him with even more clarity about what is going on in the Hollywood circles.
Don't misunderstand the advantage dying starseeds and anons can give you. Those who are telepathic like you can channel them and get more intel from them. Why do you think you took a sudden interest in Cirsten just before she died?
Me: Oh, is that why? I thought it was strange. I go to watch someone and then she dies. But yes, “the un-dead” let's call them are my specialty, aren't they?
Ashtar: You also speak to Phil Schneider occasionally and he can inform you of more that goes on on the planet now if you like.
Me: Yes. I'm due to speak to him, I have more questions for him. Thanks Ashtar.
Ashtar: Adonai.
Another thing that's been discussed as of late is the two year window of opportunity for the DS with respect to the virus. It's been two years, now people are becoming aware or just plain fed up of all the propaganda. In March 2020 was when the virus story all started and we were told it was supposed to last two weeks. Yeah, I love those jokes. Politicians are real jokers. These guys seem to think that after two years that the jig will be up for viruses and variants for even more people because you just can't go on lying to people and never delivering any kind of workable solution, never mind now people are losing their livelihoods. Two years seems to be some kind of tipping point according to some.
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
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The Storm: January 7, 2022 | Ashtar Sheran via Sharon Stewart
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/07/2022 11:36:00 PM
![The Storm: January 7, 2022 | Ashtar Sheran via Sharon Stewart](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pIamzBSNzHc/default.jpg)