Life on Earth Is Not a Path of Control | Heavenletters
JAN 10 2022
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Sometimes you don’t know what to do, is that true? This is a good time then to take a break. Sometimes you don’t have to do anything at the moment. Sometimes sit and take a break.
When the world seems to be too much with you, lean back a little. Smoke a little pipe and sit in a rocking chair on your front porch and watch the changing sunscape across the sky. Let the sun advise you. The sun has traveled, as it appears, day and night for how many years? Of course, the sun has stayed still, and Earth came to it.
We can say that for a while, at least, that you, in a quandary, do well to stay where you are and let a solution pop up for you.
You may say you trust the unfolding of the world and the unfolding of your life. Yet, as you say that, you may seem to live on tenterhooks. Trust is intended to free you from fear.
The sun is aware that the Earth spins. The Earth has never failed to take its daily path. What makes you doubt that all answers are not already in you and coming around the corner into your consciousness? Consider two steps of your progress like breathing in and breathing out. Inhale and exhale. You can never go wrong by choosing to breathe in and breathe out. This is a task you don’t usually have to think about at all. Your actual breath, like your heart, and all the systems of your body, is on automatic. What makes you think that the Universe is not on cue or that your mind does not already have all the answers you need?
Or think of this:
Solutions may come without any advanced notice. Maybe you don’t have to think out solutions. Maybe you will, at a moment’s notice or no notice at all, spontaneously find yourself with a full-blown answer. Beloveds, you may be thinking too much, too much and too hard, as if you really think you do have to know the answers to whatever is pressing on your mind. In fact, let the problem aspect go, for solutions like to surprise you.
There is always an answer, and an answer is always within you.
You will rise to the occasion when you are not so serious and intent upon your being the good hero. Let life be the good hero and set you in the right direction. Of course, there may also be many right directions, why not?
There is no need for you to rehearse.
In a way, I am speaking of hoarding! You would like to have all your answers about your life lined up ahead of time so you can store them. You want predictions and follow-up all included ahead of time. You want certainty, and, as yet, you just haven’t been able to muster up the trust that goes way beyond certainty. Trust goes to a farther realm. The certainty you desire doesn’t exactly allow you much flexibility.
The vocabulary word for you today is S P O N T A N E O U S. Spontaneous. Spontaneous. Spontaneous means not knowing ahead of time. Spontaneous means being present. Answers will come from their own initiative. You are not the doer anyway. You may get up from your chair. You may receive an answer. You may find that no answer is the best answer at a particular place and time.
You are the receiver. You sign for it. You implement it. This does not make you, the individual, the Doer. The Doer does not take a path of control. Nor can you, beloveds. Rely on Me and rely on your Self and Me and less on your ego self.
Being uncertain beats thinking you know all the answers any time.
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Life on Earth is Not a Path of Control | Heavenletters #5243
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/10/2022 08:27:00 PM