(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Lee Carroll, January 7, 2022, via email
There is sometimes criticism of those who meditate and channel for long periods of time every day. Many would say: “What good is this doing anyone?” The question itself reveals a misunderstanding about the very process.
Meditation is not just to enhance the individual. The critics don’t understand that this is Old Soul energy that goes right into the planet, and the planet reacts, since it’s actually part of the Merkabah of the one meditating. But it’s not a linear reaction.
A few doing this actually can raise the vibration of their entire area, because there are so many of you willing to sit and be quiet and know this.
This is the beginning of new sight. These are the things that we’ve spoken of before, except that we’ve never precisely attuned this information for those Old Souls who are awakening. This is a new bridge. It’s a bridge that’s now very crossable and is opening.
What happens when this planet starts to be still and there’s no activity and there’s very little pollution? Right now, this is what is happening. All the activity and noise is now quieted for a moment in time.

In that quiet space, all of these new intuitive things are able to flow to the Old Soul, which couldn’t get through before. Are you starting to recognize and understand some of the reasoning behind what is taking place on this planet, and why it is quieted?
This is only for a while, dear ones, and it will be over. But right now, in this place where everything has stopped, Old Soul intuition is starting to fly through that veil into the consciousness of many of you.
The pineal, in the Old Soul, is starting to be very active and will begin to give visions to those who have the ability to see in this way, and who are the vessels for it and who are the channels for it.
New processes are starting to occur, even for the healers who have been doing this for 40 years and more. Many healers are sitting back and saying, “Oh my, did I miss that? How did this happen?”
Dear ones, this is what happens when you quiet yourself. You begin to look upon your own work and you start to see that it may even be bigger than you thought. It’s beautiful.
It’s like a change of channels on your radio from one frequency to another, and you’re starting to learn more by tuning to the new frequency.
– Kryon of Magnetic Service
Excerpt channeled by Lee Carroll on April 14, 2020 and streamed live for the World-Wide Channeling Retreat.
Kryon on Meditation | Lee Carroll
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/09/2022 10:37:00 AM