You Learn More from Your Critics | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart

December 29, 2021

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You Learn More from Your Critics Than Your Admirers

I get criticized (again) for having low energy.... being an incarnation of Athena doesn't make me special.

No, I'm also very capable of being human. However I do channel messages that are from higher realms and they're often a lesson for me too.

You guys need to understand that I'M HUMAN. And right now, since they've chemtrailed us I'm a very sick human. Yes, I channel messages from higher realms but I've gotten sick living on this toxic ball of rock and even when I do get sick, I still have to keep contact with you, because unless I keep myself in front of the public, I will become irrelevant and that's not what I'm here to do. I'm here to forward disclosure and to activate starseeds, which means constant work.

The person who just attacked me said my energy was low. Well, they're very perceptive because I've been feeling half dead.

There is little loyalty in this “business” and I say this with quotes because I run a service and I appreciate the people who have continued to follow me despite many changes and my emotional ups and downs that come from having a sick body and having to transmute large amounts of negative energy from the collective. I suspect that many Indigo's are often sick unless they have learned how to transmute regularly for most of their lives. I didn't.

People who criticize you don't read your messages. I said “IF” emphasis on IF, I were to bring myself up to Christ Consciousness level, I would in fact be the embodiment of Athena's energy because she is my Christ self. I've been close a few times, however I am plagued by health issues. And apparently they tend to start up at times I have no control over – when they chemtrail us. I have taken to wearing painter's masks and they seem to help although I've just started so I need to continue with it. For anyone who's interested, they're N95 masks and you can get them with some kind of exhaust fixture to make exhaling easier. That way you're not breathing carbon dioxide.

And yes, honey, I did block you. I block people for good reason. The reason I block you is that I don't like you and what you have to say. I also block people who are fighters, who only come to argue, cut me down and spit me out on the floor and then stomp all over me.

Her comment was that I think I'm special because I said that I am the incarnation of Athena who's a direct incarnation of Mother God. She came back with the fact that she's an incarnation of Metatron. Well, good for you, sweetie! Yes, you may be the incarnation of Metatron, but your ego is very competitive and you still need to get it under control. And you overlooked the fact that I said, “if”. But thanks for the compliment, because you seem to think I AM.

I'm very aware of when my vibe is high and when it's low. Of anyone I should be the first to know.

The other thing is if I block you, why are you so bothered over it? Why does my liking you or approving of you mean a damned thing to you? You have what they call “Other Esteem.” If you had self esteem, you'd value yourself regardless of what anyone says about you.

So folks, be careful when people twist your words around. They try to put words in your mouth, and this is the tactic of the gaslighter. Social media makes it easier because you can re-read what you wrote and prove that they're gaslighting you. I also said I've been CLOSE to Christ Consciousness with emphasis on CLOSE, as in I didn't make it, and I get shot down for that too.

By the way, do I like everyone that follows me? Of course not! I'm human too. If you think I'm some unconditionally loving person with delusions of godhood and I should love everyone even when I get dragged through shit by your nasty ego's, then maybe go follow Metatron because I'm not your hero.

Ivo: Do you know what makes you so special, my love?

Me: You flatterer! LOL

Ivo: (chuckling) In fact I am stating a truth: it is the fact that you keep going, fighting for the Light, fighting to perhaps save a life of one of your followers from evil. You had the thought that you hoped that the people you emailed a Canadian message out to yesterday would tell their families, and that you could perhaps save people from incarceration in concentration camps. It is not that you want to be able to brag about how many people you could potentially save, or that you did save that many people, it is because you want to help people. That is your only reason for doing this, purely and simply, yet you get attacked for it.

You are up every day, and only take Saturday nights to sit and watch video's at night time or perhaps work on some artwork, otherwise your mind is on this day and night. You might be watching video's, gathering information you can ask us for clarification on, you might be talking to St Germain or talking to someone in the galaxy who wishes introduction to the people of earth, but you are always, without fail, thinking of the people who you serve. You do not do anything else. You think little of your own needs and put the needs of the planet before your own – because you realize that the planet needs this type of devotion to the Light, so you are it.

Are you disappointed with the responses you get from people? Yes, at times you are because they attack you, coming from their ego this one was upset that you blocked her. She took it as you meant she is not good enough, which is a common response to blocking. So she got on the other account you have open and decided to attack you there, the first chance she could get.

And she twisted your words to do it. So she is a liar. Yes, these things will come back to you over and over again until such time you all realize who is running your life. If it is your low self esteem and your big ego, then you will have a hard time making it to the fifth dimension.

So many of you think the day will come that you will reach 5D. But you do not do the work. Understand this is being noted.

Sharon works tirelessly at this. She tries to help everyone, even people who hate her, even people who have put spells on her, even people who have attacked her verbally. We protect her from the ones who attack her psychically because she needs the energy to continue to do her work.

But Sharon is human. She is subject to the same negative energies that others in 4D are and the fact that she has an ailing body allows for her to have more of this time of ill emotional health. She is a transmuter. We had her do violet flame exercises the other night to help her rid herself of accumulated negative energy. To the extent that you are a positive being you can hold the equal amount of negativity until you transmute it. Sharon has a large capacity for positivity through Athena, but she also has a large capacity for negativity through the collective on earth. This is duality. It is positivity and negativity in balance.

She must work daily to keep her vibration up. And because she is sick and ailing, this makes it very difficult for her. So you see some days her temper is up, she is angry because yes, she does not like living on earth either. Sharon is a fourteenth dimensional but Tiannia is a fifth dimensional who is used to a lifetime of loving all around her. When Sharon is attacked, she is simply reminded of how unloving earth can be and it causes her pain.

My advice to all of you is not to attack someone you feel has slighted you. When you do this, you are simply creating worse karma for yourselves and more negativity to clear. When you hold grudges, when you hate another because you put yourself beneath them, then this is what they are showing you. They are showing you how spiteful you can be, they are showing you how malicious you can be, and they are showing you why we of the Galactic Federation do not land on earth.

It is this repugnant part of your collective ego's that keeps those of the Light from landing on earth. Those starseeds who came to earth volunteered to suffer rejection, abandonment, lovelessness and aggression as part of their daily lives, and Sharon is no stranger to these. The reason you volunteered to undergo this is because you already have the solution to it – and that is many lifetimes of practising loving engagement with others. Many of you have forgotten and drop back into your reptilian ego – the ego that attacks.

Look at the claws of the reptilian and look at the hands of a human, yes they are working hands but they are hands that stroke, that soothe, that embrace lovingly the others that they love. Reptilians have claws that attack and tear flesh.

Sharon will also block you if she does not like your energy. That simple. This is because she does not live entirely on the physical level. She senses energy and sometimes she is warned off of certain followers because we can see the timelines and we will see who will be hurtful to her, so we instruct her to block in order to avoid future problems.

All of you are working on developing unity consciousness. But being angry at someone because they blocked you and your self esteem is hurt is dualistic thinking. So is the need to attack someone because you felt hurt by their actions. This all must be worked on. All of it. There is no going forward when you bicker like this.

The person who was hurt by the actions of others is you. Another person would not care. So you feel it justified to attack the person when it is you who hurt yourself? When you continue to see life in this twisted way, you will continue to create toxicity. You are the one bearing the emotional wound in your light body, and it was re-activated when the other person took action to block you. This is why you must do shadow work and heal emotional blocks within your auric field.

Do you also believe that Sharon must tolerate everyone who follows her with a smile on her face when some attack her in horrible ways? Do you think she is a martyr? That she must carry on a conversation, making herself vulnerable daily in front of those who are strangers, and you feel she cannot exercise discernment about who she allows to follow her, especially when it is you, the one who attacks, that she cuts off?

Why must people tolerate you when you are being intolerable? Yes it is in their best interests to tolerate all that is enacted upon earth, that way you outgrow your need to be in this dimension, however might I say that it is highly impossible for one person to learn to tolerate every malicious act perpetrated upon them. That is why the GFL is undertaking to change the circumstances under which you live – to make them more tolerable so that a human can thrive.

Are you doing your part? Are you expecting everyone else to tolerate your unruly behaviours and just continue to vent your hurts at all others? When will it be time for you to learn to deal with your own pain and to heal it?

There is so much sympathy for those who are wounded... well, perhaps those who are wounded should have sympathy for others who must tolerate them. Are you capable of this? Of understanding how a person feels when you verbally attack them or do you feel that you are so justified that you can do whatever you like to other people? This is very low consciousness behaviour.

As for Sharon, since she suffers from physical health which affects her emotional health, we will be ever more on guard for those who will create problems for her and we will warn her to block you before you can create pain for her. Sharon does not deserve this and we are going forward to guard her every more stringently.

Now the timelines are splitting out, it is not necessary for her to tolerate your disrespectful behaviour. We are her team and we stand behind the decisions she makes. We understand her heart and we understand she does not deserve the malicious attacks she experiences. Anyone inclined to attacking her will be blocked at the outset. There will be no more exceptions.

It is the Deep State now who believe they can do anything they want to you now. Are you tolerating it? No? Then why do you believe Sharon should tolerate your behaviour?

Me: Yes, micro of the macro. We have learned to be like them. We don't like it being done to us but we do it to others all the time.

A lot of times I see behaviour that tips me off that the person is someone who would readily attack, that you're a fighter and frankly I don't want you around. Most of the people who follow me are pretty chill but occasionally I see a hot head and those I block. I can tell who you are. You're not fooling me. You can learn to see the trees in the forest. But thanks for the tip. I'll look for you on both platforms from now on, if I decide to keep working both of them. My preference is for GAB, by the way.

Ivo: Ask yourself why you feel hurt and then begin to understand yourself at a deeper level. Delve down into your shadow, which is where your guides and your higher self also abide by the way. This is why it is called “soul searching,” because those who think deeply about their own selves find their souls.

What Jesus did was he came to earth to show you – to physically allow the people to see – how to be forgiving and what power being forgiving could bring them. They still not have learned the lesson.

Those who can forgive will go forward. Those who continue to bicker and fight because of their own low self esteem will stay behind. We do not have low self esteem in the galaxy. It is something inherent only to those who do not realize their greatness. Yet this person claims to know her greatness but still behaves as a child. Yes, you are a perplexing group.

Me: I do it. I know who I'm connected to but I still have my moments.

Ivo: Yes, you do too. I am not excusing some of your behaviour. But you also realize it has come up to be transmuted. You do not personalize it. You realize it is not you. This is another tactic to work whenever you are feeling upset with another person. Because now with no place to vent your anger at them, you now are stuck with this negative energy. Learn how to transmute and you do both of you a favour. If you cannot do a favour for someone who has just taken a swipe at you, then you must grow and you will be given opportunities to love those you dislike.

If Sharon were to do that, there would be no channelings, there would be no website, there would be no books. She continues to do her work despite the way she is so badly treated at times. The fact that this is a trigger of hers through her father makes it even more painful for her, but she continues working every day anyway.

This is the type of devotion we need to see more of. Forgiveness, and one who continues to help even those who have attacked her. She wishes the best for all upon the planet despite the fact some have treated her very poorly, and that is exactly what Christ Consciousness is about. This is unity consciousness.

Me: The best part is I tell myself in six months times I won't even remember this person and how nasty they were. If I still remember it, then there's more to fix, I figure. The best past is one you can't remember, except for the good stuff. If you're still remembering hurts, you haven't learned forgiveness yet, and you're not transmuting.

Ivo: Correct. The way to unity consciousness and 5D is through forgiveness. Forgiveness heals the heart. The heart is the portal to 5D.

Me: Thanks, Ivo.

Ivo: My love, your perseverance is astounding at times. You work through tears some days but you do not stop.

Me: What can I say? That's what I do.

Ivo: That is who you are. You are also an adjudicator in the fifth dimension and you are a natural healer.

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

Out now on Ashtar Sheran on the Storm.

Ashtar Sheran On The Storm, an Ebook by Sharon Stewart


Ashtar Sheran On The Storm, an Ebook by Sharon Stewart

Ashtar is back with a description of what's to come for 2022.

Get your copy of our new book, "Ashtar Sheran: Your Future on Eden" today! Your download is available now, at:
You Learn More from Your Critics | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart You Learn More from Your Critics | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/29/2021 09:35:00 PM Rating: 5

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