By Steve Beckow, December 1, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
If (A) we’re designing a new world and (B) we know the purpose of life, then it would seem to make sense to design that new world such that it takes into account that purpose.
Aligning with the purpose of life is surely aligning with the Will of God, are we agreed?
I was shown and told the purpose of life in a vision I had on Feb. 13, 1987. I’ve told the story quite a few times and don’t plan to retell it here. (1)
Suffice it to say that I was shown a spiritual tableau depicting the full journey of an individual soul from God to God. At the end of the vision the words formed in my mind: The purpose of life is enlightenment. Then the vision ended.
The purpose of life is that God should meet God in a moment of our enlightenment. When any one of us realizes who they are, God meets God.
To fulfill that purpose was a world of matter (mater, Mother) created as a school that produced Self-Knowledge.
If I contemplate the designing of Nova Earth, I do it with that purpose in mind.
Government in this light would help to provide community-wide services that assist the people in pursuing whatever their path to life’s fulfilment is. Meditation, art, music, sports. G/NESARA will decide the economic and financial system that supports a much less labor-intensive lifestyle. (2)
The interim goal would be the development of the divine qualities. If we want to know God, then we may want to start inviting in the states of consciousness that we know as the divine qualities – love, bliss, peace, happiness, abundance, mastery, etc. These are palpable states of being, but, like love, higher dimensional – yet within our reach.
The ultimate goal would be reunion with Mother/Father One, an event which awaits us beyond the twelve dimensions, a ways down the road.
But love, bliss, ecstasy … what’s wrong with these, along the way? We may have to drop our macho acts and stop valuing war. But that never brought us what we wanted anyways.
Whereas this other path does. The divine qualities do. They’re what we’ve been looking for.
The divine qualities are flavors of love just like chocolate and strawberry are flavors of ice cream.
Knowing God is the purpose of life but loving God is the means of knowing God. By the law of attraction, our love of God brings a response. God is said to be as helpless before our love as a mother cat before her mewing kitten.
So it seems to me to accord with our view of life that new social and cultural structures be designed with love and its divine forms in mind.
What assists in the cultivation of peace? Harmony? Security? Beauty? Meditation? Learning?
Public parks, retreat centers, vacation spots, canoe trips, spiritual pilgrimages, artists camps, mountain hikes.
These are what our money should go towards rather than stealth fighters and hypersonic missiles. (3)
Let’s design our new world to nurture the divine qualities in us, as will be fitting for a post-NESARA society. I’m pretty sure I’m correct in saying that only a society designed in that way will see its structures last.
(1) For instance, “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” August 13, 2011, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/08/13/the-purpose-of-life-is-enlightenment-ch-13-epilogue/
(2) On NESARA, see:
What is NESARA? at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/What-is-NESARA-R2.pages.pdf
Financial Wayshowing and Stewardship at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Financial-Wayshowing-and-Stewardship-R18.pages.pdf
Financial Reform, Social Reconstruction, and Abundance Q&A R3. Answers from channeled messages at “https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Financial-Reform-Social-Reconstruction-and-Abundance-QA-R3.pdf
(3) All of them armed with nuclear payloads that the galactics will never let explode:
“Dear ones, let us assure you that escalating rhetoric will not lead to nuclear war, and if any missiles are launched with nuclear warheads, crews in spacecraft will prevent their detonation.” (Matthew’s Message, Sept. 25, 2017, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.)
“Be assured however serious the threats are and posturing becomes, there is absolutely no way a nuclear war will be allowed. Whilst your freewill is acknowledged, the higher powers have made it quite clear that no nuclear devices will be allowed to be used. Any attempt to do so will result in total failure.” (Mike Quinsey, Sept. 8, 2017)
Will our Nova Structures Last? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/01/2021 08:50:00 PM