(Golden Age of Gaia)
I AM speaking directly into your heart and soul and the fullness of who and what you in truth are, at soul level.
You are being called for a totally new life, an exalted form of life in the New Earth, which is unlike anything you ever have experienced in the Old 3D.
Therefore allow the ego self, the persona, the programmed self of the Old 3D to dissolve completely. All you ever believed defined you.
Unless you allow yourself to dissolve into nothingness, you cannot be reborn into the fullness of your soul truth, which is the eternal, infinite you.
Arise and claim your soul name and truth.
I have found that everything I have let go of and which has been dissolved has been replaced by the Divine with far bigger and greater Divine gifts than I could ever have imagined possible.
As long as you shrink yourself, you cannot expand into the fullness of the truth of who you in truth are, at soul level. The infinite, eternal you.
Once you have expanded into the infinite soul you, you indeed have expanded way beyond the Old Earth and 3D and into the New Earth, and now stand in the fullness of your true soul’s Universal mastery as One with the Divine within you.
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The Omniscient Power of Love is entering the Sacred Rose of your heart and soul, as you remember the truth of who and what you are in truth.

The Divine is calling you by you Soul Name, the eternal name created within you, the name whuch reverberates through your soul!
It is time to stand in truth of your soul mastery, the magnificence of who you in truth are, as one with the Divine and allow your inner radiance to be as blinding as the Sun, as Divine Love pours into you and through you.
It is in the here and now.
As you read this Divine Power is sweeping through you and into you, the mighty oceans of Divinity, washing into you and out of you.
You are receiving the Blessings of Divine Blessings.
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Today is the Immaculate conception of the New Sacred Heart for the New Earth and the New Christed Humanity, who fully embrace the Divine Power of Love, the fullness of the Sacred Heart and the Universal Christ consciousness.

The Sacred Heart embraces the Fullness of One. The infinite, omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience omnibenevolence of Pure Unconditional Love.
It is cleaving open the collective heart of humanity right into the very core of the soul.
The most Sacred and Holy and Sanctified love is pouring into you and all of humanity today, as the Divine Mother, with Yeshua, Universal Angel Mary, Mother Mary, Isis etc. are literally surrounding the earth and pouring in Love.
It is bringing in a mass opening of the sacred heart and awakening on unprecedented scale.
Open your heart and even if cleaved open, open some more.
Ask for the full blessing of the Sacred Heart and then be open for whatever comes and whatever is gifted.
The Power of Love is sweeping the mighty cosmic oceans of Love through humanity.
The Sacred Heart | Judith Kusel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/15/2021 09:47:00 PM