By Steve Beckow, December 15, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I feel at an impasse at the moment. I feel very much at loose ends. I’m going to write down the bones, as Paul Reps would say.
There doesn’t seem to be anything more that needs to be said about the external world. My even calling it “the external world” betrays my bias.
Not all the vaccine exposés, election fraud stories, wars and rumors of war hold a candle to any experience of what the Mother called “sacred love” or equally-sacred bliss.
I look at both roads – focus on the external and on the internal. The former feels, as I’ve so often said, like a mouthful of dry oatmeal. There’s just no juice to it.
You and I know the Divine Plan is unfolding. We know how the story ends. It all works out in the final reel.
How did the Mother put it?
Divine Mother: Make no mistake, Sweet One, Love will win because that has been my Plan always. (1)
Love will win. Admittedly some among us must take up arms for our freedom and safety and have done so. These brave people are risking their lives to destroy underground bunkers and rescue trafficked children.
But the rest of us are best kept out of their way. We don’t have to take up arms and are best given over to love. (2)
Love, love, love.
Actually draw this tangible, delicious love up from our very own hearts, where it dwells especially, and send it out to the world. (3)
Love must flow. We get to experience it as it passes through us enroute to … everywhere.
Just the touch of this love liberates us from anything we have going on with us at that moment.
Now that’s what I call juicy. Focus on that!
I grant that, before our heart opening, drawing love up from our hearts may not have the same result as after. But, as Michael once said, it activates the well-spring:
Steve: Did the exercise of bringing love up from my heart and sending it out through my third eye to the world play a role at all in [the heart opening]?
Archangel Michael: Yes, it did.
S: Could you talk about that for just a bit, please?
AAM: One of the strongest or the ultimate expressions of love, of willingness to not only participate in love but to be the love, is in the sharing. To say that you are love, or are loved, or you love this, that, someone… but [then] you keep it within you, you hoard it – and we do not necessarily mean that in a negative way – sometimes the feeling is so blissful you do not wish to actually take the next step quite yet, in terms of sharing.
The ultimate experience is in this sharing. This is what we speak of when we speak of sacred union and partnership. How can you possibly be in any form of partnership with humanity, with the Star-beings, with us, with any being, if you are not sharing.
So what you do when you bring the love up and out, when you begin to send, to share, it is as if you have in fact activated what we call the wellspring. The visual you may think of is the volcano.
It is not that you empty out. It is that you discover that that wellspring is SO full and overflowing that it is a steady stream. That steady stream does not ever, ever (think of what I say!)… it never has to cease! (4)
Like a mountain stream, it never stops flowing. Through us. Through everything. But particularly strongly through our hearts.
Everything goes better with love. It transforms every experience in life.
Drawing it up from our hearts shows us taking steps towards what we want – a heart opening. The creation process apparently requires us, after invoking the universal law and releasing the result to the Mother, to take steps consistent with the desired result. Loving is us doing that.
And then, when we finally succeed, the heart’s door opens and the inner tsunami of love flows. It’ll take only seconds immersed in this River Jordan to forget all our troubles. This is the part in the divine movie where we shout hallelujah!
I’m wafted aloft even now through writing about the subject. I’ve written down the bones.
Pay attention to love. Allow it any little crack and it beams through.
There’s nothing on Earth I’m aware of to compare it to. Every sense is satisfied and thrilled at the joyousness that love brings. (5)
This is not dry oatmeal. Quite the opposite. This is the divine nectar, the heavenly ambrosia, the Divine Mother’s essence. (6)
(1) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.
(2) I’m a Canadian. It’s not part of our culture to bear arms.
(3) Everything is love. Therefore love dwells everywhere. But I’m told that it flows especially strongly in our hearts.
(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 13, 2015.
(5) Experiencing this love, I don’t need to travel to Amsterdam or Paris. Thinking of them plus this love is all I need.
(6) “Let us be very basic. My essence is love.” (“Transcript of the Divine Mother: Density is Unloving Emotion; Love is Lightness of Being,” March 6, 2015, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/03/06/transcript-of-the-divine-mother-density-is-unloving-emotion-love-is-lightness-of-being/.
The Divine Mother's Essence | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/15/2021 09:59:00 PM