The Brink of Great Adventure | Heavenletters
DEC 2 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Know the difference between influences from the outside and resources within. Follow the resources within.
You do not have to tighten up and resist outside influences. You just don’t have to mind them. Goodness knows, there are many influences that come at you from all sides. “Buy this, buy that. Do this, do that. This is the best thing for you. No, this is.” All the while, the best thing for you is to heed your inner guidance.
Most everyone means well, beloved. Many or most are sincere about what they want you to try, but you also want to be sincere and not be beguiled by all that is presented to you.
You are all entitled to live your life as it feels right to you. No matter how right something feels to you, it does not have to be someone else’s choice. Everyone has choice. You have choice. And you have to choose. You cannot eat all the food that is advertised. You cannot absorb all the knowledge that is offered. You cannot read all the books published. You have only two hands, two eyes, and one heart.
Let your heart lead. Lead with your heart. Your heart is the ballast that keeps you on even keel.
You can love your friends, and still listen to your own heart. Your heart is within you in order for you to listen to it. Your heart has its own rhythm. Another’s heart has a different beat to it. What does your heart say? Whatever the heart of the world says, you still have to listen to your own heart. It is the one I gave you. I must have given it to you for a reason. I didn’t give it to you so that you would ignore it or downplay its importance. Your heart has important things to tell you, and you want to listen to what it says. It has messages for you that come from Me.
Be heartened, beloveds. Your heart is the encourager of your life. The mind, confused as it is, may discourage you. It may stomp on your dreams. All your dreams are for a reason. Dream them. You are your own self-fulfilling prophecy.
You are on the brink of great adventure. You hold the one ticket to it. No one else does. The wisest people in the world do not. Only you have the right ticket for you to get on board life and take off. No one’s ticket is to be mixed up with someone else’s. The tickets are all made exactly for the person they are meant for. They are exquisitely customized. Unique is your ticket. One of a kind. The one and only. Just as you are.
You who are Oneness are also unique in this world. There has never been anyone just like you before, and there never will be again. You are a unique voyager, and this is your voyage. Just get on the boat. Don’t think about it so much. Live life more than you think about it. Don’t wait until you have everyone’s opinion. Don’t even wait for everyone’s good wishes. Make your own, and jump in the boat that has your name on it.
You are learning your one name so that you may know yourself.
What is your life about? Dive in and find out. Do not seek to know ahead of time. Just know that the water is fine, and that you will dive, and you will swim.
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The Brink of Great Adventure | Heavenletters #2242
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/02/2021 11:23:00 PM