You Are Brave | Heavenletters
NOV 3 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
You may come to a crossroad where you decide that life, so to speak, is not going to interfere with your life.
Life is not a gauntlet you are running, yet some days you feel pelted with snowballs or hail. You keep going, and you let hail fall where it may. The weather is not a deterrent to you. You keep walking. You are like the mailman, and neither rain nor sleet nor snow stops you from delivering the mail. The mailman also picks up letters that people want him to mail for them. So in life, you deliver messages, and you also pick up messages from the assorted mail that is known as life.
In life, you may pick up and deliver messages that seem random, or may seem serious, and they are, after all, only messages. Not all messages from life merit great thought. Some mail is casual, even tossed aside or out. And some are bills you pay. And some are love letters and some messages you can’t figure out why they were sent and why they were addressed to you. What can you do but sort the mail as best you can, and then get up and keep going.
In any case, mail comes when it comes, and if your name is on it, your name is on it. You don’t have to let packages fall on your head. Mail, like inclement weather, is not supposed to knock a good man down nor is it to keep him down. Packages do not have to batter your heart any more than the rain, sleet, and snow. They are part of life, and yet, at the same time, they are incidental to life. We can say you weather them, or We can say you come out the other end of the rainbow.
You walk through certain terrain, and never can you stay there. At some point, you do have to get up and go on your way. The mail that comes, comes, and you survive it. As unwilling as you may be to admit, because of the assorted mail, you have gained. You have grown. You can be wiser without being sadder. No one said you had to be sadder. It is not a requirement. Suffering may be an elective you have chosen.
It has been said that life is a school. Let’s just say for the moment that life is a school. The point is you are going to graduate. So then what is all the fuss about? You are going to get through this school you matriculate in. You may not choose all the courses you will take. Nevertheless, you are going to demonstrate great scholarship. You already have. So you have a few scars. What is that? You are a survivor of life. You may even walk out a hero. And why not?
Everyone alive on Earth is brave. It is brave to venture forth on a journey that no one has ever been on before. There never was a journey like yours, and there never was anyone just like you, never ever. Even though all are One and are on the same adventure, no one has traveled the exact route as you. No one is dropping off and picking up the exact same mail as you.
As best you can, make others’ journeys a little easier. Take some of the debris out of the way. Shelter others when you can. Smooth the road a little. Make it as nice for others as you possibly can. That may well be your path in life, sweeping the path before others. In so doing, your own journey is more gentle. As much as you can, think of others and let them know that you are, indeed, thinking of them. All the people in your life want you to be thinking of them.
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You are Brave | Heavenletters #3562
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/03/2021 09:42:00 PM