What You See Is What You Get | Heavenletters
NOV 29 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
There is no need for you to appeal to Me, to plead to Me, for I am your Self. There is no thought of yours that I do not hear. There is no heartbeat of yours that does not reach Me. I am not called Omniscient and Omnipresent for nothing. I see all, know all, AM All. Your thoughts are heard. I hear them. I hear the beat of your heart. Ta dum. Ta dum. It beats in My ears and in My heart. Never are you forgotten. No way do I ever overlook you.
Beloveds, it is you who overlooks yourself. It is you who does not know what’s what. It is you who does not listen to the beat of your heart. Often you listen to your own heart and want to connect with Me when you happen to feel you are in dire need. You are not to beg from Me. You are already given. Why not listen to the very depth of your heart which is always, without exception, content with Me, and I with you. Without exception, I said.
You realize, of course, that what you think is often inaccurate and, therefore, your heart mistaken as well. Sometimes what you think is not even in the ballpark of Truth. You may read My words, yet that doesn’t necessarily mean that you catch My drift. Sometimes you may slough off what I say, and you don’t even come close. You interpret something as worth suffering for, and so you suffer.
This has nothing to do with obedience to Me. You are not disobedient. You do not disobey. You simply think you are right, and so you override what I say in deference to your own opinion. Where do you get your opinions from, beloved? From the environment, perhaps? From the very air you breathe? From others’ thought from far away or from the long past? The closer you are to Me, the closer you are to Truth. Truth works better for you than opinions. It is not a consideration – obedience to Me.
Before you can follow directions to a street you are looking for, you have to have directions. Your mind has to understand them as well before you can follow them and get to where you want. Only then can you follow the directions. Otherwise, you are misdirected. You misdirect yourself.
And, sometimes, no matter how often you make the same mistake, and realize your mistake, you may make the same mistake again.
One of your errors is jumping to conclusions. What you may see, you may see as neglect or as an affront. What you see, dear ones, is what you get. If you see someone dissatisfied with you and he reaches into his pocket, you may interpret that he is pulling out a gun, and a scenario follows. You may run away. You may pull out a gun from your own pocket, so well-prepared for an onslaught are you. It doesn’t matter that the one you may see as an opponent has no gun at all. He could have been pulling out a stick of gum. No offense was given, yet offense was seen and, therefore, dealt with. This is what happens in the world of illusion. Another illusion within illusion. There was no enemy. You saw one where there wasn’t.
Keep your hats on straight, beloved, and you will follow My Will. My Will is always for Good Will.
Somehow or another, it is incumbent for you to meet even ill-will with Good Will. What on Earth else would I ever say but that? Of course, send Good Will from your heart. Send Mine.
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What You See is What you Get | Heavenletters #4783
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/29/2021 10:24:00 PM