(Golden Age of Gaia)
Riding Waves
Bob Jackiewicz
The full moon, lunar eclipse is today.
With each passing of the waxing moon the energy feels stronger.
This cyclical experience is like clockwork now.
Soon afterwards there’ll be a calming period until the next wave hits.
Tidal currents. Ocean ebbs and flows.
Each morning the energies subside like ocean waves retreating from the beach.
Each evening the moon brings another wave of energy rushing forward.
[The moon is not the only celestial body contributing to these energetic waves, to be sure!]
These evening energies bring with them an electromagnetic charge that strongly prompts me to action.
It’s a masculine feeling energy that seems to support a formless mandate, a compulsory “to do list” that needs checking off…immediately!
A fire breathing cosmic dragon with very hot breath and whipping tail.
Intuitively, I feel the pull.
Heeding that beckoning call only brings discomfort, though.
Riding that energetic dragon feels like what I imagine riding a bull feels like or being inside a washing machine set on “heavy load.”
To me, that washing machine agitation and bull riding imagery represents resistance I have to releasing all of those behavior patterns and belief systems that need transmuting.
Experiences of body surfing waves come into my rear-view mirror.
As a body surfer riding ocean waves, when it gets rough the key is to go under the wave where it’s calm. There, the oceans’ turmoil is much more tolerable. The deeper the calmer.
A metaphoric lesson is available here. Go Within. The deeper the calmer.
At times, going under a wave that’s too difficult to ride, an undertow exists.
The invisible pull of ocean currents below the surface can be very strong.
When I honor that cosmic pull to ride the dragon, activities or old behaviors that are looking to be let go seem to reveal themselves.
When a rough, large and strong wave was surfed I would get thrashed about.
I’d end up with sand everywhere and at times face-down on the beach.
Then I’d go back for more.
Therein lies my lesson, I believe.
No matter how strong the pull to ride those waves of old behaviors and beliefs, remember to go within, where it’s calmer. Where perhaps the “peace that Passeth all Understanding” is found.
The key word here is “remember.”
Isn’t that what I’m doing in this transformative time? Remembering my truth?
The experiential memory of my truth is found within, beneath or aside the energetic cosmic currents, in the peace of the membrane of the entire universe that I Am.
Like scales within scales, I can choose the purview of a larger scale called infinity.
Yes, I could just sit on the beach. That, though, feels like a coping mechanism.
I always did like riding waves. There’s valuable lessons to be learned riding the cosmic ones.
Time to sharpen those skills that take me to my truth within.
What’s that? Another wave?
I’ll swim out to meet it!
Riding Waves | Bob Jackiewicz
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/19/2021 09:01:00 PM