And, sir, do you recognize that spoon in this room?
By Steve Beckow, November 27, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I’m going about the serious business of making literature prior to the Reval putting an end to that activity from me (I’ll be too busy).
Moreover the Reval will call for quite another persona. The job(s) I’ll be doing will be way different than this, although Michael wants me to keep writing. (1) And they will call for protocol, which is foreign to my tendencies.
As I go about my work, I watch myself. And I’m blown away at this moment at how deeply dyed I am in the right/wrong system. That’s not something I’ll be able to take with me.
According to that system, the winner is the one who’s always right. And the prize is admiration.
Actually that person turns out to be the loser but… this isn’t about love. It’s about being right.
Case in point: I just watched myself make myself wrong for using one unnecessary, extra spoon in making my coffee. Can you believe it?
I’m not very much attached to possessions. And I’m not even that much attached to procedures like don’t dirty dishes unnecessarily.
Granted that we actually washed dishes back in the day and that’s probably where the injunction hailed from, the point is how deeply dyed in the wool things like right/wrong can be. And how unaware of them we can be.
I know I’ll be working with the galactics in the future. Picture me meeting one, who can see my aura, and they’re watching me sparkle like a Roman candle because I’m making myself and everyone around me right or wrong.
The atmosphere that that produces is toxic for them. They retire, as Mike Quinsey tells us:
“The Universe is a wonderful place where you can meet all different types of beings that are nevertheless similar to your human form. Of course most are more advanced compared to humans, but pleased to share their knowledge when you are ready to receive it.
“Hitherto they have kept a distance from you because your vibrations have been so low they would be unacceptable for them, but thankfully you now have the opportunity to lift yourselves up to a higher level and many souls are eager to do so.
“They understand that to take this opportunity to ascend they must prepare themselves for it. Be assured that in doing so you will be helped to reach the required level and again you will be helped to be successful once you have decided what is to be your goal.” (2)
I’m eager to do so. I guess I’m doing exactly what he recommends – watching my thoughts and actions and dropping ways of being that don’t work, lightening my load and lifting myself up by the bootstraps to a higher level.
More immediate than preparing to work with the galactics is preparing to be a CEO of a number of fairly large companies. If I’ve still got some right/wrong in me, it’ll show, every day.
And I know that what is no big deal for the one at the top can be a very big deal for someone on the front line.
Time is getting shorter. Only so much time left to rid myself of vasanas which, to me, are slight but in a large company or on a world stage would be devastating.
I also notice that it’s only partly what I say; it’s much more the way I say it that offends people.
I’ve never given much attention to the way I say something, which means that I’m probably unconscious of what I’ve picked up from others … OK, my Dad. It’s now going to start becoming important that I do so.
And the “way” I say it can’t be fudged … at least very well. One is either genuinely connecting with the feeling or not. Only the self-deluded are unaware of a lack of genuineness.
When I’m not in touch with transformative love, I don’t regard myself as very deeply connecting with humanity. When I feel the touch of that love, of course, it changes everything.
I’m tempted to compare it to an electric current. No current, no stirring.
How am I going to do this?
In terms of needing “extra capacity,” a passage came to mind that answered my question.
Steve: My big concern is that I’ll be head of a large organization and have no memory.
AAM: And you think that we would leave you helpless?
Steve: No, I hope not.
AAM: No, dear heart, that is not the plan.
Steve: Oh good! Even knowing there is a plan is comforting.
AAM: There is not only a plan, sweet one. There is a strategy afoot to implement the plan. (3) [My emphasis.]
I won’t be abandoned and left helpless. I needed that reassurance where I’m going.
These considerations are arising probably because the scuttlebutt around the Reval suggests that events may be near.
I have no doubt that it’s coming and it’s just a question of when. In the meantime, once it does come, my life takes a dramatic change of direction. And if I don’t prepare for it now, I’ll regret it, much more than using one extra spoon.
(1) CEO of several firms, including GAoG, later serving with the galactics at the reformed UN.
(1) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Jan. 29, 2021.
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 17, 2020.
One Extra Spoon: The Right/Wrong System | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/27/2021 09:48:00 PM