By Steve Beckow, November 2, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I asked myself this question recently: Do I need to pay attention to the outside world?
I meant it as an enquiry.
I do personally feel a desire, as an evolutionary historian, to pay attention to what happens to the world at this critical time in its history.
But even in my case my passion is split between this historical endeavor and the spiritual quest for love, bliss, and ecstacy.
Funny I should phrase it that way, rather than “spiritual quest for Self-Knowledge.”
But I’m convinced that the prime motivator of human beings is their feelings. (1) I believe we’ll find that human beings are far more attracted to love, bliss, and ecstacy as an Ascension goal than they would be to, say, Self-Knowledge.
Both lead to the same place. Love leads to Self-Knowledge. Self-Knowledge probably leads to love. If it leads to a higher dimension, I cannot see how it could not lead to the kind of love that lives there. But I’ll tell you when I get there.
Judged on the amount of time in a day I give to the external vs the internal world, I’d say 25% of my interest is drawn to the outside world – what’s happening today – and 75% is drawn to the inside world – which results in the majority of my writings being in this area (awareness).
So my professional attention as an historian is drawn to the outside world and my personal attention is drawn to the inside.
I’m willing to wager that that’s not an uncommon profile. Only the percentage may vary.
I breathe right now into my heart and come up blissful and say to myself, “Of course this is what everyone wants. It’s just not clearly understood.”
If I try to direct myself to “Self-Knowledge,” I draw a blank. I have to persuade myself that I “should” be paying attention to it to do so. There’s no juice here.
Love, bliss, and ecstacy describe my default, the place I fall back into – these days. I wouldn’t be saying this a year ago. Please take that as another suggested sign of progress on our gradual path upward.
If part of our work is assisting millions, and even billions, of people to understand what’s happening to them that we call Ascension, we’re going to need to explain what it’s all about.
I find it much more compelling to think of Ascension as being all about love, which it is, than being all about one’s true identity, which may mean nothing to me or someone else.
So do I need to pay attention to the outside world? No, in my opinion, if your attention is 100% engaged in, say, spirituality. Yes, if you have a professional or other need to know. It’ll vary from person to person.
I’ve spoken before about one particular category of people who have a need to know. I called them “honest witnesses to the truth.” (2) They see – so that we don’t need to look at – the really gruesome or horrifying details, like Frazzeldrip. It’ll tax your belief in the basic decency of humanity.
These witnesses to the truth testify to conditions. They include doctors, coroners, paramedics, police officers, firefighters, armed forces, judges, etc.
These have a high need to know. Their professions militate against inward-turning. They stress situational awareness.
That can be used spiritually as well but the idea of becoming more and more indrawn is antithetical to most professions that require present-moment situational awareness.
After Ascension, it’ll be on this plane as it already is on the Astral Planes in afterlife. People pursue what they want to pursue. Community projects get done by common agreement.
How does that come about? Well, if you factor in the incredible atmosphere of love in which all reside, then it becomes crystal clear how cooperation could occur – how the world might work for everyone. Most of our descriptions forget to mention this absolutely-crucial atmosphere of love.
Before Ascension, it may require us to draw up from our hearts as much love as we can access, as a way of priming the pump. After Ascension, there will be no need for effort to tap into the resource that powers creation. No, I’m not speaking about oil or even gold. I’m speaking about a love like most of us have never known.
(1) We may think of something first but whether we act on it or not will come down to how we feel about it.
(2) “Every Society Needs Honest Witnesses to the Truth,” January 5, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/01/05/every-society-needs-honest-witnesses-to-the-truth/
Do We Need to Pay Attention to the Outside World? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/03/2021 12:00:00 AM