By Catherine Viel, November 19, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
November 18, 2021
I make a list of things I have
to remember and a list
of things I want to forget,
but I see they are the same list…
perhaps God
listed what to create in a week: earth and oceans,
the armature of heaven,
with a place to fasten
every star…
~Linda Pastan, Lists

I used to be a champion list-maker. The trouble was, I would create excruciatingly detailed lists and then ignore them.
List-making seems essential when engaged with the world at large. My last full-time job included a weekly review where we’d sit with our amiable, but hard-working, manager and hand over lists of accomplishments.
Woe betide the slacker, for amiable or not, she had her own list to share with her manager, and our “done” lists went onto hers.
It’s no wonder many of us are programmed to feel a sense of incipient doom when we’re not getting something done. And a sense of relief when we can put a checkmark next to one more thing on the perpetual to-do list.

This morning, the litany of things I haven’t done popped full blown into my mind. It didn’t approach gently with an item or two, but plopped down for a nice long chat, scolding me for ignoring it.
I’ve been putting off basically everything. But there are some things that feel “important,” mostly related to safety, security, or health maintenance for myself or my family.
Business-type necessities, too. Bills to pay, it’s open enrollment for insurance so I have to research the best plan…
Are you bored yet? I know I am.
I need to conjure up my list-maker persona to help me right now, because I have become so indifferent to the orderliness that used to feel important—even if I didn’t embody it very well—I hardly know where to start.

I absolutely love that many channeled messages have been saying for ages that our evolution is pulling us away from doing and into being.
Many say that 5D is all about being. This is a stark about-face from what I perceive as the exigencies of 3D, or the half-and-half of “needing to accomplish” and “needing to be spiritual” of 4D.
I feel that the more active component of those riding the Ascension energies exemplifies this “neither fully one or the other” 4D status perfectly. The large number of protests and the proliferating legal actions instigated because of governmental overreach on the Covid fiasco seem almost entirely 3D.
I’ve no doubt there are more lists than you can shake a stick at in those lawyers’ offices and tacked to bulletin boards at the homes of grassroots organizers.
But I suspect that the individuals engaged in these frenetic activities also have some sort of spiritual practice, either a religious affiliation or something less formal. The very active Patriot / Truther movement, for instance, seems so essentially spiritual I don’t see how it could be otherwise.
Make a list in the morning, check it off during the day, sit in meditation in the evening.

I think people who are actively, publicly involved in this shifting we’re undergoing must be incredibly agile, jugglers and plate-spinners extraordinaire. They seem to switch seamlessly from activity to quietude depending on need and circumstance.
Even if these commentators, channelers, and organizers aren’t fully aware of it, I suspect that they long deeply for a time when they can retire the need for nearly constant 3D busyness.
That more peaceful time may not appear to be on the immediate horizon, but surely it’s on its way. It shows as a glimmer in the distance, the first light of dawn that you only recognize by glancing away to the darkness and then glancing back.
Oh yes, the light is growing.
And as for me, I’m looking forward to the day when there’s only one thing on my very short to-do list: Be.

A Very Short List | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/19/2021 08:55:00 PM